Home Based Franchise opportunities to start in Burntwood
What to consider when starting a franchise in Burntwood
If you'd like to open your own business but don't know where to start, a franchise might just be the answer. Burntwood, situated in the West Midlands, could be a good place to start as there are many brands currently recruiting franchisees in the Lichfield area. Have a look at our various franchising options to discover the sectors and brands that most appeal to you.
There are 104,000 people living in the Lichfield region. Residents in the 60+ age group make up the largest portion of the population. The area's average gross annual income of £33,360 is higher than the average income of £30,629 across the United Kingdom.
Why the Home Based business sector might be a good option for you
Are you interested in the Home Based business sector? If so, there are 30 available brands to choose from in the UK.
Three franchise businesses worth reading about
Chrysalis Partners is a competitive brand operating in the Home Based business sector. There are 10 locations open so far, and the network is expanding. To open your own Chrysalis Partners franchise, you will need to invest £34,950, of which at least £20,000 should be your own personal investment. You could apply for a loan to help cover the remaining startup costs. Given these low startup costs, this opportunity is suitable for both first-time investors and established franchisees. Eligible candidates may apply for financial assistance.
Another opportunity worth considering is Autoremedy Vehicle Repair Service. Opening an Autoremedy Vehicle Repair Service franchise will require you to invest a minimum of £30,000. At least £9,999 of this should come from your own personal investment. These relatively low startup costs make it a good option to pursue for first-time franchisees.
Lastly, Christies Care is another interesting franchising opportunity if you plan to invest in the Home Based business sector. By joining its current two franchisees, you would become a part of a growing brand network. You will need to invest £63,000 to start your own Christies Care business. At least £30,000 of this should come from your own personal investment. Given these higher startup costs, this is an opportunity best suited for most established franchisees with greater access to financial resources. An investment in this franchise entitles you to financial aid, if eligible. See eligibility details on our website.
There are 30 franchises waiting to be discovered in the Home Based business sector. If you're curious about franchising opportunities in other sectors, Point Franchise has almost 250 brands to pick from.
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