Home Based Franchise opportunities to start in Burton upon Trent
Investing in Burton upon Trent could be your next move
If you want to start a business in Burton upon Trent, working for yourself but not on your own, then check out our franchising options in the West Midlands. On this page, you will find a range of brands to choose from for becoming a franchisee in the East Staffordshire area and across the UK. Explore our sectors and brands to find your best options among various franchising opportunities, keeping in mind your personal interests and business goals.
According to recent census data, there are 119,000 people in East Staffordshire. When broken down by age group, 40-59 year olds represent the largest portion of the population. The area's average gross annual income of £27,695 is slightly lower than the average income of £30,629 across the United Kingdom.
Why the Home Based business sector appeals to franchisees
There are 30 UK-based franchises available in the Home Based business sector.
Three franchise businesses worth reading about
If you're interested in the Home Based business sector, check out Moving Home Made Easy. Opening a Moving Home Made Easy franchise will require you to invest a minimum of £70,000. At least £35,000 of this should come from your own personal investment. It is thus less appropriate for new investors. If you decide to invest in this franchise, financial assistance is available, providing you meet the eligibility criteria.
Take a look at Bartercard UK, another interesting Home Based franchise. This brand is developing, counting 75 outlets across the UK. Starting a Bartercard UK franchise requires an affordable initial investment of £6,000. At least £2,000 should come from your own personal investment. These relatively low startup costs make it a good option to pursue for first-time franchisees. Also, if you can't afford the startup costs on your own, you may qualify for financial support.
As a final Home Based franchise option, have a look at Techclean. You will need to invest £19,500 to start running your own Techclean business, which is a reasonable initial investment. Your personal investment should account for at least £6,000 of the total amount. Whether you're an established franchisee or a first-time investor, the low startup costs mean that this could be a good option for you.
The Home Based business sector offers many interesting investment opportunities, including our 30 franchise options. If you're curious about franchising opportunities in other sectors, Point Franchise has 236 brands to pick from.
This page contains data provided by NOMIS and the ONS. This content was automatically generated by LabSense.