Business Franchise opportunities to start in Halesowen
Halesowen could be home to your new business
You could start your own business by becoming a franchisee in Halesowen. There are a number of opportunities to choose from in Dudley, located in the West Midlands. Take a look at our selection of brands and start running your own business with a team behind you. Explore our sectors and brands to find your best options among many franchising opportunities, keeping in mind your personal interests and career goals.
The population of Dudley is 321,000. Residents aged 40 to 59 years old make up the majority of the population. The labour force in Dudley amounts to 145,500 people, with an unemployment rate of 4.7%. This rate is slightly higher than the national average. With an average gross annual income of £28,043, salaries in Dudley are slightly lower than the average salary of close to £31,000 across the United Kingdom.
Why the Professional Services sector appeals to franchisees
There are currently 41 opportunities to invest in the Professional Services sector. If you would like to operate a business in this sector, keep reading. There are also six Sign franchises, seven Training franchises, 38 Management franchises, three Legal & Solicitor franchises and 10 Marketing franchises recruiting franchisees in the B2B Services sector, alongside the Professional Services options. Have a browse to see whether any fit your career goals and aspirations.
Three franchise business examples
Bartercard UK is a competitive franchise operating in the Professional Services sector. By joining its 75 franchises already in operation, you could contribute to this brand's expansion. To open your own Bartercard UK franchise, you will need to invest £6,000, of which at least £2,000 should be your own personal investment. You could apply for a loan to help cover the remaining startup costs. These relatively low startup costs make it a good option to pursue for first-time franchisees. Eligible candidates may apply for financial aid.
The Professional Services sector has many brands worth considering. Have a look at Chrysalis Partners. By joining its current 10 franchisees, you would be joining a growing brand network. An affordable initial investment of £34,950 will enable you to start your own Chrysalis Partners business. In most cases, your personal investment should represent 30 to 50% of the total amount. Chrysalis Partners requires you to personally invest at least £20,000. You could potentially get a loan to cover the remaining costs. These low startup costs make this a good franchising option for first-time franchisees.
Lastly, Driver Hire is another successful brand that has been operating in the Professional Services sector since 1983. Driver Hire, now a leader in the field, has gained 37 years of experience since first opening. There are 100 outlets open so far, and the network is expanding. Starting a Driver Hire business requires an initial investment of £40,000. At least £32,000 should come from your own personal investment. It is thus less appropriate for new investors.
The Professional Services sector currently offers 41 franchising options. Point Franchise currently has a total of almost 250 brands recruiting franchisees across a range of sectors. Have a look to see which other sectors you might want to invest in.
NOMIS and the ONS provided the data shown on this page. This text was automatically generated by LabSense.