Senior Care Franchise opportunities to start in Leatherhead
Investing in Leatherhead could be your next move
Would you like to open a business in Leatherhead, located in the South East of England? Would you like to work for yourself but not on your own? If so, have a look at our franchising options. On this page, you'll find various brands offering the training and support you need to run your own business in the Mole Valley area. Explore our extensive possibilities in order to find the right franchise for you, and you'll be one step closer to starting your own business.
The population of Mole Valley is 87,000. The local income averages £35,712 per year, which is higher than the close to £31,000 average income in the United Kingdom as a whole.
Does the Senior Care sector appeal to you?
There are 12 UK-based franchises available in the Senior Care sector. Bear in mind that the potential for exciting investment opportunities in the Personal & Home Care Services sector is not limited to the Senior Care sector. Other available investment opportunities include 11 Handyman franchises, nine Home Care franchises, two Electrical franchises, 12 Tutoring franchises and two AC franchises. See if there's one to suit your business goals. It may interest you to know that companies in the Mole Valley area currently employ 6,000 people in the Health Care sector.
Want to know more? Read about these three brands
If you are interested in running a business in the Senior Care sector, read about Seniors Helping Seniors. The brand's network is vast, counting 300 outlets in the UK.
Promedica24 is another attractive brand operating in the Senior Care sector. To start your own Promedica24 franchise, you will need to invest £40,000, of which at least £1,000 should be your own personal investment. You could get a loan to help cover the remaining startup costs. Given these low startup costs, this option could be suitable for first-time franchisees. If you can't cover the startup costs on your own, you could find out if you qualify for financial assistance. See our website for details.
Finally, Home Instead, open since 2005, is another interesting option. It is now firmly rooted in the market, counting 1,200 franchise locations. Home Instead has proved itself to be a successful business and leader in the field in its 15 years since opening. Starting a Home Instead business requires a substantial initial investment of £90,000. At least £30,000 should come from your own personal investment. Due to the higher startup costs, this option is not recommended for first-time franchisees.
We offer a total of 12 businesses in the Senior Care sector. If you're interested, see if the right investment opportunity for you is among them. If you are still not sure which sector best suits your needs, have a look through our range of close to 250 new business investment opportunities across different sectors on Point Franchise.
NOMIS and the ONS provided the data shown on this page. This text was automatically generated by LabSense.