Latest Franchise Myths articles

Common Myths and Misconceptions About Franchise Fees and Royalties

Common Myths and Misconceptions About Franchise Fees and Royalties

Franchising is a popular business model which allows entrepreneurs to start and operate their businesses using an established brand and [...]

Busting Business Franchise Myths

Busting Business Franchise Myths

1. Franchises Are Expensive  One of the best things about owning a franchise is it comes with a flexible business plan. Certain [...]

Mythbusters: Franchising Is Only Relevant to the QSR Sector

Mythbusters: Franchising Is Only Relevant to the QSR Sector

Say the word ‘franchise’ and most people immediately think of the quick service restaurant (QSR) sector - brands like [...]

Mythbusters: As a Franchisee, You're Tied to Your Franchise for Life

Mythbusters: As a Franchisee, You're Tied to Your Franchise for Life

Worried about being tied to your franchise for life if you invest? While it’s an excellent way to build a business that sees you through [...]

Is There Really Such a Thing as a Turnkey Business?

Is There Really Such a Thing as a Turnkey Business?

You may have heard the word ‘turnkey’ used to describe their investment opportunity. But if you’re going to put your money into a new venture, [...]

Mythbusters: There Is No Innovation in Franchising

Mythbusters: There Is No Innovation in Franchising

One of the most common misconceptions about franchising is that there’s no room for innovation. In this article, we debunk this myth and use [...]

5 Most Common (But Unfounded) Excuses for Not Starting a Franchise

5 Most Common (But Unfounded) Excuses for Not Starting a Franchise

Many aspiring entrepreneurs dream of becoming their own boss, but often find a reason to stop themselves taking the next step. If this sounds [...]

Mythbusters: Running a Franchise Will Automatically Make You Rich

Mythbusters: Running a Franchise Will Automatically Make You Rich

For first-time franchisees, there can be a substantial amount of ambiguity and misleading information when it comes to choosing a franchise [...]

Mythbusters: You Can’t Be Autonomous

Mythbusters: You Can’t Be Autonomous

  Our Mythbusters series focuses on clarifying any misconceptions you may have about starting a franchise. In this article, we focus on [...]

Mythbusters: You Need to Be an Expert

Mythbusters: You Need to Be an Expert

  The mythbuster series tackles any misconceptions people tend to have about starting a franchise. In this article, we’re going to [...]

Mythbusters: You’re Guaranteed to Succeed

Mythbusters: You’re Guaranteed to Succeed

In the Mythbuster Series, we tackle the misconceptions surrounding starting a franchise and tell you what the reality really is. In this [...]

Mythbusters: You Have No Room for Creativity

Mythbusters: You Have No Room for Creativity

The myth-busting series is back to debunk more ideas you may have about franchising. We discuss ideas people have about franchises that aren’t [...]

Mythbusters: You Have to Make a Huge Investment

Mythbusters: You Have to Make a Huge Investment

  In our myth-busting series, we tackle all the myths you may have heard about starting a franchise. In this article, we focus on the [...]

Mythbusters: Franchising Isn't a Legitimate Business Opportunity

Mythbusters: Franchising Isn't a Legitimate Business Opportunity

  In this article series, we look at some of the most common myths circulating in the franchising world. First up: you may have heard the [...]

The 8 Signs That a Franchise Opportunity Is Too Good To Be True

The 8 Signs That a Franchise Opportunity Is Too Good To Be True

The franchising industry has never been stronger. There are currently a record number of franchises (48,600) that collectively contribute more [...]

6 unknowns about franchising

6 unknowns about franchising

For most people looking for information, the internet is their first port of call. This is likely to be true of franchisees doing their [...]