PART TWO: Screen Rescue catches up with Stevenage franchisee after a year in business

Screen Rescue franchise
Screen Rescue Screen Rescue is the UK’s only award-winning Windscreen & Glass Repairs franchise operating exclusively in the automotive industry within all commercial vehicle sectors.

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Keith Harrison joined the windscreen repair franchise during 2020, opening the doors of Screen Rescue Stevenage on July 27th.

This is the second of two articles recounting Screen Rescue’s in-depth interview with new franchisee Keith, which was all about his journey with the windscreen repair franchise so far. Today, you’ll discover how Keith has found the provision of franchisor support, what he’s learned in his year in business, and what he’s got up his sleeve for 2022.

In this interview, Keith was quick to praise Screen Rescue’s two franchisors for their support, expressing that they were “always there to help, no matter what my question, or situation, or what I feel I need”. He explained further that, “During December’s lockdown I remember feeling very low – I was finding lockdown isolating and missed visiting my clients, making it happen. Jaime recognised I had lost my mojo. He invited me to head office and for three days we covered refresher training.” According to Keith, this was exactly what he needed, a “booster jab” that got his “mind and spirit back on form”.

He then discussed his own development and growth as a businessman. In his words, “I’ve learned so much. Mainly to be a lot more patient, because growing a substantial business doesn’t happen overnight – I’m building a client base that gives me repeat business, which leads to scalability.” In terms of his growth, Keith recognised something he now appreciates more than he did initially – that “the electronic reports [he gets] are the best in the industry”. He also has “a firm grip on [his] expenses, book-keeping and paperwork”.

This trading year has been undeniably impacted by COVID-19, and Keith acknowledged this in the interview with Screen Rescue, saying, “If it had been a normal trading year, I would have smashed all my business targets. My year end saw me shy of my business plan turnover target by just 5%, which I’m happy with. Considering the first 12 months were hampered by lockdowns, achieving 94.3% for my turnover target is not a bad result.” 

As for the next 12 months? Keith is “on a mission”. He ended the interview by saying, with a great amount of hope for the future, “I want to expand my business as quickly as possible and take on employees. I want to grow into other territories too and even have my eye on a couple of available sister territories.” If Keith’s journey with Screen Rescue has inspired you to make your own investment, you can find out more about franchising with the company via its profile page, which is linked above.

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