Car & Automotive Franchise opportunities to start in Canterbury
What to know before starting a franchise in Canterbury
Would you like to run your own business? Canterbury, located in the South East of England, could be a good place to start. There are many businesses currently recruiting franchisees in the Canterbury area. Franchising gives you the opportunity to run your own business while benefitting from the support of an established brand. Browse our extensive possibilities in order to find the right brand for you, and you'll be one step closer to opening your own business.
Canterbury has a population of approximately 165,000 people. The most prevalent age range in the population is 20 to 39 years old. The area has a 2.4% unemployment rate, which is significantly lower than the national average of 4%. Overall, the region's economically active population consists of 73,500 people or 71.0% of the total population. For the Canterbury area, the average salary is £31,483, which is in line with the national average income of close to £31,000.
Franchising opportunities in the Automotive industry
Are you interested in the Automotive sector? If so, there are 27 available brands to choose from in the United Kingdom. There are a lot of interesting franchising options, including three Tyre franchises, eight Garage & Car Repair franchises, 10 Car franchises, two Taxi franchises and three Car Wash franchises. Take a look at the available brands to see if your perfect match is among them.
Here are three examples of franchise businesses
If you are interested in opening a franchise in the Automotive sector, The Wheel Specialist could be an option for you. The brand is expanding, with 30 locations already in operation, and a desire to expand further. To start your business, you will need an initial investment of £160,000. If you intend to get a loan to cover the costs of opening a franchise, a personal investment of 30 to 50% of the total amount will typically be required. For The Wheel Specialist, the minimum personal investment is £60,000. Due to the higher startup costs, this option is not advisable for first-time franchisees. You will also need to invest in a small premises to operate this business. If eligible, you might be entitled to financial assistance.
Another possibility to consider is Etyres. The company was first established in 1996. The brand has gained valuable experience and expertise over the past 24 years.
Autoremedy Vehicle Repair Service is a third interesting investment opportunity in the Automotive industry. Starting an Autoremedy Vehicle Repair Service franchise will require you to invest a minimum of £30,000. At least £9,999 of this should come from your own personal investment. Whether you're an established franchisee or a first-time investor, the low startup costs mean that this could be a good option for you. Eligible candidates may apply for financial aid. See eligibility details on our website.
The Automotive industry has many successful franchise businesses. We currently have 27 options available in this sector. If you are still not sure which sector best suits your needs, have a look through our selection of almost 250 new business investment opportunities across a variety of sectors on Point Franchise.
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