Car & Automotive Franchise opportunities to start in Exeter
Starting a new business in Exeter
Many brands are currently recruiting franchisees in Exeter, located in South West England. By becoming a franchisee, you could run your own business while receiving comprehensive training and marketing assistance. Keep reading to explore the options in the Exeter area. With your interests and business goals in mind, have a look at our range of new business investment opportunities.
Exeter has a population of approximately 130,000 people. The 20-39 age group makes up the majority of the population. The region has 70,900 economically active people, representing 79.5% of the population, with an unemployment rate of 2.6%. This rate is significantly lower than the country's 4% national average. Residents in the area earn £26,426 per year on average. This income is slightly lower than the country's average gross salary, which reaches just over £30,500.
Running an Automotive franchise business
If the idea of running a business in the Automotive sector appeals to you, check out the 27 brands currently recruiting franchisees in the field. You will find a lot of interesting franchising options, including three Tyre franchises, two Taxi franchises, three Car Wash franchises, 10 Car franchises and eight Garage & Car Repair franchises. Take a look at the available brands to find out if your perfect match is among them.
Three examples of available franchise business possibilities
There are many interesting franchising options in the Automotive industry. Take The Wheel Specialist for example. By joining its network of 30 franchisees, you could play a part in this brand's success. Opening a Wheel Specialist business requires a significant initial investment of £160,000. If you intend to get a loan to cover the startup costs, The Wheel Specialist asks for a personal investment of at least £60,000. For most franchises, this amount represents 30 to 50% of the total investment. Due to the higher startup costs, this option is not recommended for first-time franchisees. You will also need to invest in a small premises to operate this business. Also, if you can't afford the startup costs alone, you may be entitled to financial aid. See our website for more information.
Another possibility to consider is Etyres. The company was first established in 1996. Etyres has acquired valuable experience in the sector in its 24 years since first opening.
Autoglym is a third interesting franchising opportunity in the Automotive industry. In business since 1996, Autoglym now has over 24 years of experience under its belt. By joining its 65 franchises already in operation, you could contribute to this brand's expansion. An initial investment of £50,000 will enable you to open your own Autoglym business. Due to the higher startup costs, this option is not advisable for first-time franchisees.
We offer a total of 27 businesses in the Automotive sector. If you're interested, see if the perfect investment opportunity for you is among them. Point Franchise offers a total of close to 250 franchising options across a variety of sectors. So, if you're still searching for a brand that meets your needs, there are plenty of options for you to explore.
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