Van Based Franchise opportunities to start in Rayleigh
Starting a new business in Rayleigh
Are you considering opening a franchise? Rayleigh, in the East of England, could have a lot to offer. By becoming a franchisee, you could benefit from training and marketing support from an established brand while managing your own business. Take a look at the brands currently recruiting in Rochford. Why not have a look through our selection of franchising options? There are opportunities to suit various needs and career goals.
Rochford has an estimated population of 87,000 residents. The majority of the population sits within the 60+ age range. Residents of Rochford have an annual average salary of £31,745. In comparison, the average gross income in the United Kingdom is close to £31,000.
The Van Based business sector could be the right choice for you
If you wish to run a business in the Van Based business sector, have a look at our 41 brands currently recruiting franchisees in the field. You can choose an investment opportunity from 13 Van franchise and two Coffee Van franchises amongst many others. Let our selection of brands be your guide to starting your next exciting investment opportunity.
Eager to know more? Here are three franchise business examples
If you're interested in the Van Based business sector, check out Agency Express. By joining its network of 117 franchisee, you would become a part of a well-established business community. It has been operating since 1998. The brand has acquired valuable experience and expertise over the past 22 years. In order to open an Agency Express business, a reasonable initial investment of £24,500 is required. If you plan on getting a loan to cover the startup costs, you will generally need to cover 30 to 50% of the total investment yourself. Agency Express asks for a personal investment of at least £12,500. Given these low startup costs, this opportunity is suitable for both first-time investors and established franchisees. By investing in this established brand, you could be eligible for financial aid.
Another option to consider is ChipsAway. A total of £29,995, a reasonable initial investment, is required to start a ChipsAway franchise. You might want to consider getting a loan to cover the startup costs, in which case at least £15,000 of the total investment should come from your personal funds. These low startup costs make it a good option to pursue for first-time franchisees. Also, if you can't afford the startup costs on your own, you may qualify for financial support.
Finally, another option worth considering is FiltaFry. There are 39 outlet open so far, and the network is expanding. This business opportunity requires an affordable initial investment of £14,950. You could get a loan to help cover startup costs, in which case your personal investment will usually need to cover 30 to 50% of the total investment. FiltaFry requires a minimum personal investment of £5,000. Whether you're an established franchisee or a first-time investor, the low startup costs mean that this could be a good option for you. If you make the decision to invest in this franchise, financial assistance is available, providing you meet the eligibility criteria. See eligibility details on our website.
The Van Based business sector currently has 41 new business investment opportunities. You will find a total of close to 250 franchise options on Point Franchise. So if you are still looking for the perfect investment opportunity, there are still plenty of options for you to explore.
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