Van Based Franchise opportunities to start in Oldham
Investing in Oldham could be your next move
The Oldham area offers many interesting business opportunities. If you like the idea of running your own business, you should consider franchising. This would allow you to work for yourself while benefiting from the support of an established brand. Have a look on this page to discover the franchise options available to you in Oldham. To start off with, look for the line of work that interests you the most. This is a quick way to find the franchise best suited to you.
There are an estimated 236,000 people living in the Oldham area. The 0-19 age range has the highest concentration in the population. The 3.6% unemployment rate among 105,000 economically active people in the region is lower than the national average. Residents in the area earn £23,879 per year on average. This income is lower than the country's average gross income, which reaches close to £31,000.
Why choose to work in the Van Based business sector?
Across the United Kingdom, there are 41 franchises in the Van Based business sector. Available brands include 13 Van franchises and two Coffee Van franchises amongst many others. You are likely to find a business that fits your career goals and aspirations among our multiple investment opportunities.
Read about these three brands to see what franchise options exist
Coffee Blue operates in the Van Based business sector. By joining its network of 10 franchisees, you could contribute to this brand's success. In order to open a Coffee Blue business, an affordable initial investment of £41,945 is required. If you plan on getting a loan to cover the startup costs, you will usually need to cover 30 to 50% of the total investment yourself. Coffee Blue asks for a personal investment of at least £8,000. These relatively low startup costs make it a good option to pursue for first-time franchisees. By investing in this franchise, you may be eligible for financial assistance.
FiltaFry is an interesting franchising opportunity in the Van Based business sector. There are 39 locations open so far, and the network is expanding. To start your own FiltaFry franchise, you will need to invest £14,950, of which at least £5,000 should be your own personal investment. You could apply for a loan to help cover the remaining startup costs. Given these low startup costs, this opportunity is suitable for both first-time investors and established franchisees.
Finally, Optic-Kleer is another interesting brand operating in the Van Based business sector. The first franchise launched in 2003. The company is now mature and a leader within the sector, having developed its franchise community for 17 years. Opening an Optic-Kleer business requires an initial investment of £15,000. These relatively low startup costs make it a good option to pursue for first-time franchisees. By investing in this established brand, you could qualify for financial aid. Visit our website for more information.
If you want to work in the Van Based business sector, the perfect business opportunity could be waiting for you among our 41 available franchises in the sector. If you're curious about franchising options in other sectors, Point Franchise offers almost 250 brands to pick from.
This page contains machine-generated content provided by LabSense, using data collected from NOMIS and the ONS.