Omega Learning franchise

Min investment


Omega Learning franchise

F.I.R.S.T. Faith, Integrity, Respect, Service, and Teamwork

We're a network of learning centres that provides accredited educational programs for children and young adults

Minimum investment

Funding support

Total investment

Franchise fees

Business type

Expected revenue after 2 years

Minimum investment

  • Operating fee:
  • Advertising fee:
  • Royalty fee:
  • Average floor space:

About Omega Learning

Omega Learning® is a network of learning centres that provides accredited educational programs for children and young adults. We aim to work individually with each student to build their confidence and add on their learning abilities. At Omega Learning®, our students receive reputable academic assessment that is used in many schools and educational professionals, but we also provide tutoring programmes which students can attend to our private schools, Omega Private Academy. This is a fantastic alternative to traditional public or private school as our Omega-certified teachers use personalised lesson plans to aid each individual learner and their academic requirements.

At Omega Learning®, no student is young and old, as long as the drive of learning is there. We are the first to market technology, advanced curriculum, and exclusive assessment methods in the industry. In this industry, with multi-billion dollar market share, franchising Omega Learning® is a franchise to consider. Its business style, clear market indicators, volume of franchise markets, and lasting business rights; will surely earn a spot in life’s security.

Training and support provided

Once you become an Omega Learning franchise owner, you will enjoy many benefits and be accredited by AdvancED, with market exclusivity, an up-to-date and efficient software system, proprietary curriculum, training and support, and a high profit gross margin. You will also receive a full service tutoring business and an accredited private school, Omega Private Academy.

We have a great relationship with a marketing firm that will provide a tailored marketing plan for the opening of the business for your tutoring and private school franchise. A 1-week of Operations Manual and real-world training to assist in the marketing part of the business. An online and offline marketing campaign will be made available every month for newsletters, marketing emails and print ads to your online marketing library.

You will receive a field visit from an experienced Omega Field Representative once a week during the first quarter of the agreement and once a month during the second quarter. Participation in a weekly marketing calls, email blasts, and monthly franchisee webinars can also increase the growth of your business. Lastly, a yearly meeting is held with the support team to discuss development strategies, new programs, and specialised training.

The ideal Omega Learning franchisee

We are looking for someone who has networking ability, the drive to make a positive difference in a community, is an excellent communicator, have marketing and management experience as well as integrity and loyalty. Moreover, it isn’t necessary that you have an education background but is willing to learn the ins and outs of the system.

Omega Learning's history

Omega Learning was founded in 2005 by Kimberly Smith, Kathy Keeton, and Joyce Smith in Georgia, USA. Our founders have had first-hand experience in marketing, sales, scheduling and have experienced all the different aspects of franchise management.

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