Walx member reveals his fitness journey

WALX franchise
WALX WALX is about to breathe new life into the fitness and wellbeing industry.

Drawing upon more than 100 years collective experience of our founders in leisure, fitness and outdoor industries, we have created an outdoor activity experience, suitable for people of all ages, abilities and interests. When you invest in your WALX franchise, you are investing in a business which will become the hub of the community. Bring people together, expand their horizons with inspirational walks and classes and build new friendships.

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A Walx member has described how he managed to lose a significant amount of weight after joining the walking club. 

Jon Pizzey joined the Derwent and Dales Walx club before the pandemic broke out, but he struggled to keep up his motivation during lockdown. That’s when he and his wife Rachael decided to make their walks a daily habit, going on their own until the outdoor fitness franchise’s activities resumed again. 

The 61-year-old dad from Burton-on-Trent in Staffordshire is a chartered surveyor, but managed to fit in his new Nordic walking hobby around his work. He and the rest of the group explore the countryside, walking with poles and sometimes increasing their pace for a bit of ‘speedhyking’. 

When the weekends came around, Jon and Rachael would even complete 10-mile hikes. 

Jon now says he’s “addicted” to Nordic walking. He’s also three stone lighter and much fitter. In fact, he’s managed to reduce his waist size by four inches, from 38 to 34, so he can wear his old clothes again. 

Jon said,

"I did feel like I needed to lose weight before, but with a busy work life, it was difficult to find time to do it. It wasn't a priority when I joined the Walx club, of which Rachael is a member, to be honest. I mainly wanted to get some exercise and enjoy the social side of it.”

He added, 

"I haven't changed my diet at all, apart from perhaps cutting down on a bit of snacking. I still eat more or less what I want and have a drink when I want one. I feel good in myself and have had to fit back into my old clothes, which feels great. I've also had the odd compliment about my weight loss, which is really nice to hear.”

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