Caremark earns coveted seal of approval from The Institute of Leadership for franchise development

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Leading home care provider Caremark is proud to announce the prestigious endorsement of its groundbreaking High-Performance Leaders (HPL) programme by The Institute of Leadership. 

This milestone solidifies Caremark as an Institute-approved provider, with its HPL programme for franchisees now accredited by the UK’s premier leadership and management qualifications authority.

The HPL programme is a comprehensive, nine-month journey encompassing essential topics such as understanding more about who you are, your mission and vision, how culture is your USP, strategic thinking and actioning, financial acumen, team coaching and mentoring, and nurturing company culture. The course format offers abundant opportunities for face-to-face learning, constructive feedback, and peer networking, enabling participants to gain valuable insights from colleagues across the UK.

The Institute of Leadership's independent verification attests to the programme's adherence to its evidence-based standards, rooted in the ‘Five Dimensions of Leadership’: authenticity, vision, achievement, ownership, and collaboration. This official recognition now underlines Caremark's commitment to excellence.

Tracey Underwood, the Leadership and Management Coach at Caremark who spearheaded the HPL programme, commented:

“Caremark recognises the pivotal role of outstanding leadership in franchise success. As testament to this commitment, we invested in the High-Performance Leaders programme to provide every leader with the knowledge, behaviours, and skills necessary for their business to flourish. We're absolutely thrilled to receive the esteemed Member grade recognition from The Institute. The approval enables us to bestow the recognition our franchise owners deserve for their professional development.”

Caremark ensures that all new franchise owners are automatically enrolled in the HPL programme, setting them on a path to immediate success. Furthermore, existing franchise owners can benefit from the opportunity to strengthen their leadership skills, contributing to improved governance and overall business growth.

Successful programme completion is not solely based on attendance but also hinges on the presentation of evidence of learning and an evaluation of the applied knowledge's impact. With its newly acquired 'Member' grade status from The Institute, graduates of the HPL programme will receive a certificate of achievement from The Institute, a membership certificate, an upgrade to Professional Membership, and postnominals and digital credentials to validate their accomplishment. This membership also grants access to The Institute's MyMentoring platform, facilitating connections with peers for continued support and growth.

David Glover, Joint CEO of Caremark, concluded:

“Tracey and the team have worked tirelessly to deliver this unparalleled course. The Institute of Leadership's validation not only underscores the programme's exceptional quality but also highlights our dedication to equipping franchise leaders with the skills necessary to lead and nurture successful and thriving businesses, and make a genuine impact by delivering outstanding home care to their communities.”

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