Franchise Partner of the Quarter Award!

Concept Claim Solutions franchise
Concept Claim Solutions Insurance Claims Management & Building Repair

Your excellent opportunity to run a professional, time flexible and lucrative professional services business from home, from one of the most recognised and trusted brands in the industry.

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Each quarter we will be celebrating success and recognising the franchise partners who have gone the extra mile. For Q1, Owen and Lewis Moon from Concept Claim Solutions, Peterborough, have won the award of "franchise partners of the quarter"!

concept-claim-solutions-mark-ingramHere's why…

Owen and Lewis are outstanding ambassadors for the franchise brand. They both play an integral role in mentoring new franchise partners, offering insight on everything from building the schedule to sales and marketing and business growth. Owen also gives up his time to regularly speak to potential franchisees, helping them assess whether our business is right for them.

Mark Ingram:

Beyond Owen's initial excellent hands-on training and insight, he has continued to pro-actively provide post-training mentoring, unselfishly giving his time and support to ensure full support as I started my business.

Finally, a shout-out must also go to Lewis, who was also most generous with his time and expertise - a credit to his father's training abilities. It gives me great confidence to know that they will continue as my mentor over the next few months.

concept-claim-solutions-gary-diamondGary Diamond:

Owen’s natural enthusiasm towards claims management and protecting the policyholders’ interests was infectious during my training and it created even more hunger and drive when starting my new franchise territory! Owen and Lewis are very generous when sharing best practice and extremely thorough. Their support in helping me achieve success in my own territory has been fantastic.

A huge well done, and thank you to Owen and Lewis. Their passion, commitment and entrepreneurial drive to maintain and grow the franchise network as a whole are inspiring and commendable.

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