ActionCOACH’s Andrew Sperring engages in pivotal discussions at 10 Downing Street

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On 1st February, in a landmark event signifying the importance of business coaching in entrepreneurial success, Andrew Sperring of ActionCOACH Bristol was honoured with an invitation from Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to visit 10 Downing Street. The exclusive gathering of small business leaders addressed key aspects of scaling a successful business in the UK, tapping into the abundant talent and support available nationwide.

Hosted by the Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, Gareth Davies MP, and the Prime Minister’s Special Adviser on Business and Investment, Franck Petitgas, a thought-provoking roundtable discussion delved into the critical subject of financial accessibility for burgeoning enterprises. In a panel helmed by Rishi Sunak, three exemplary founders shared their journey of scaling their operations from local to global heights, epitomising the entrepreneurial spirit of SMEs.

“It was interesting to see what the panel and the group of entrepreneurs all had in common - passion and ambition to make a difference. I was surrounded by strong, resilient, hard-working people and felt I was definitely in the right room,” commented Andrew.

Surrounded by the drive and resilience of like-minded entrepreneurs, they discussed the hurdles faced by SMEs, particularly in funding, growth and sustainable success. The conversations also highlighted the indispensable role of a unified vision and mission, propelling a diverse workforce, inclusive of all backgrounds, to achieve collective and individual triumphs.

“With my own experience of dyslexia and ADHD, I highlighted the challenges within the education system and its one-size-fits-all approach. I didn't feel like I really started learning until I left education to work and found my own way of learning. Then going into business, I felt I was on my own to make it or fail, as most SME owners still feel now - it can be a lonely place! By making work accessible to people from all backgrounds, leaders and teams can leverage talent to succeed - and, by extension, fortify the UK economy.”

Andrew was joined at 10 Downing Street by Keisha Shah of Teddo Play, Holly Thallon Steenson of Viridian Nutrition, Mark Thompson of AceOn Group and Daniel Woolfe from Enterprise Nation to name just a few. Instrumental in Andrew’s invitation to join the panel was winning the UK's No.1 Business Mentor for the Biggest Impact to SMEs at the National Mentoring Matters Awards 2023.

“It was a privilege to contribute to the vital conversation about nurturing SMEs, which constitute 99.2% of our business population. As we step into 2024 with over 5.6 million private sector businesses, my commitment as a business coach is to ignite substantial progress and unlock the vast potential that awaits Britain’s entrepreneurial spirits,” added Andrew.

ActionCOACH is committed to fostering an environment where businesses are empowered to overcome obstacles and seize the opportunities to achieve the success they rightly deserve. For more information on how ActionCOACH can assist in your business journey, please get in touch with us.

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