Retail Franchise opportunities to start in Milton Keynes
Milton Keynes could be home to your new business
Located in the South East of England, Milton Keynes is an area with business opportunities on the rise. If working as your own boss with a team behind you sounds appealing, take a look at our franchising possibilities in Milton Keynes and take the first step towards managing your own business. We offer a range of realistic new business investment options, so that you can find one you like.
Milton Keynes has a population of approximately 269,000 people. The most represented age group is 0-19 years old. The community has 140,300 economically active people, representing 82.2% of the population, with an unemployment rate of 4.8%. This rate is slightly higher than the country's 4% national average. The UK's annual average income is close to £31,000. Salaries in Milton Keynes are slightly higher in comparison, averaging £32,644 a year.
Could the High Street Shops sector be the right choice for you?
If you want to run your own business in the High Street Shops sector, the good news is that there are 19 franchises currently recruiting new franchisees across the country. Bear in mind that the Retail industry offers many investment opportunities in addition to those in the High Street Shops sector. Have a look through our two Cosmetic franchise, four Tool franchises, three Fashion franchises, three E Cigarette franchises and four Sweet Shop franchises to find out if any suit your career goals and aspirations.
Read about these three brands to see what franchise opportunities exist
Apollo Blinds could be a great choice for you if you're interested in the High Street Shops sector. Open since 1972, Apollo Blinds now has 48 years of experience in the field, making it a strong leader. There are 50 locations open so far, and the network is expanding. To open your own Apollo Blinds business, you will need an initial investment of £20,000. Given these low startup costs, this option could be suitable for first-time franchisees.
You could also consider Cash Generator, which has been operating since 1997. Cash Generator now has over 23 years of experience under its belt. The brand's network is vast, counting 700 outlets across the UK. To start your own Cash Generator franchise, you will need to invest £240,000, of which at least £80,000 should be your own personal investment. You could apply for a loan to help cover the remaining startup costs. It is thus less appropriate for new investors.
Lastly, another option worth considering is Noa Noa. By joining its current 90 franchisees, you would be joining a growing brand network. If you can't cover the startup costs on your own, you could see if you qualify for financial assistance. See our website for more information.
Starting a business in the High Street Shops sector has great potential. If you're interested, check out our 19 available opportunities. If this sector doesn't suit your needs, don't worry. Point Franchise offers 236 franchise options across a variety of sectors to help you find your perfect investment opportunity.
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