Estate Agent & Property Franchise opportunities to start in Bebington
Bebington is an attractive town to invest in
You could start your own business by becoming a franchisee in Bebington. There are a number of opportunities to choose from in Wirral, located in the North West of England. Have a look at our range of brands and start managing your own business with a team behind you. With your interests and business goals in mind, have a look at our selection of new business investment options.
The population of Wirral is made up of 323,000 people. Residents aged over 60 years old are the most represented in the population. The 4.8% unemployment rate among the 153,800 economically active people in the area is slightly higher than the UK average. Salaries in Wirral average £29,043 a year, while in the United Kingdom the average salary is close to £31,000.
The Estate Agent & Property sector could be the right choice for you
If you wish to open a business in the Estate Agent & Property sector, take a look at our 14 brands currently recruiting franchisees in the field. There are also seven Online Estate Agent franchises and one Mortgage franchise recruiting franchisees in the Estate Agency & Property sector, alongside the Estate Agent & Property options. Have a browse to see whether any fit your career goals and aspirations.
Check out three available franchise options
No Letting Go is a competitive business operating in the Estate Agent & Property sector. There are 65 outlets open so far, and the network is expanding. You will need an initial investment of £17,950 to start your own No Letting Go business. Given these low startup costs, this opportunity is suitable for both first-time investors and established franchisees. When investing in this franchise, you could be eligible for financial aid.
Northwood is another interesting option. Opening a Northwood business requires an initial investment of £50,000. Given these higher startup costs, this opportunity is less suitable for first-time franchisees.
Lastly, EweMove is another successful brand operating in the Estate Agent & Property sector. The brand is growing, with 100 locations currently in operation, and a desire to expand further. Also, if you can't afford the startup costs alone, you may be able to benefit from financial assistance. See our website for details.
Eager to read more about business opportunities in the Estate Agent & Property sector? Explore our 14 available options. You will find a total of close to 250 franchise options on Point Franchise. So if you are still looking for the perfect investment opportunity, there are still plenty of options for you to explore.
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