Nursery Franchise opportunities to start in Loughton
Loughton: A great location to start a business
Discover the opportunities waiting for you in Loughton, situated in the South East of England. On this page you'll find a selection of brands recruiting franchisees in the Milton Keynes area. Franchising gives you the opportunity to run your own business, complete with training and marketing assistance. We offer a number of franchises to suit different budgets and career goals. Have a look at our selection of businesses and sectors to see what might suit you.
Milton Keynes has a population of approximately 269,000 people. The 0-19 age range makes up the majority of the population. In terms of employment, the region has an economically active population of 140,300 people (82.2%), of which the unemployment rate is 4.8%. This figure is slightly higher than the average unemployment rate in the United Kingdom. In the UK, the average gross income is £30,629; in the Milton Keynes area, it is £32,644.
Child Care services could be the right choice for you
Across the UK, there are currently nine opportunities to open your own franchise in Child Care services. Child Care services is just one sector among many in the Personal & Home Care Services sector. Its three Funeral franchises, two Security franchises, 11 Handyman franchises, 19 Care franchises and 12 Senior Care franchises are also worth considering. Let our selection of brands be your guide to starting your next exciting business opportunity.
Want to know more? Read about these three brands
ClubsComplete is a competitive brand operating in Child Care services. This brand is expanding, counting two outlets across the country. This business requires an affordable initial investment of £9,995. If you plan on getting a loan to cover startup costs, you should anticipate adding a personal investment of 30 to 50% of the total investment as a general rule. The minimal personal investment to start a ClubsComplete business is £2,998. Given these low startup costs, this option could be suitable for first-time franchisees. Eligible candidates may apply for financial aid.
Another interesting investment opportunity is Choice Home Tutoring. By joining its four franchises already in operation, you could contribute to this company's expansion. To start your own Choice Home Tutoring franchise, you will need to invest £17,500, of which at least £6,000 should be your own personal investment. You could get a loan to help cover the remaining startup costs. These low startup costs make this a good franchising option for first-time franchisees. Financial aid can be given in some circumstances.
Moonstone Day Care is a third interesting franchise option in Child Care services. By joining its current five franchisees, you would be joining a growing brand network. You will need to invest £100,000 to open your own Moonstone Day Care business. At least £40,000 of this substantial amount should come from your own personal investment. The higher startup costs make this an opportunity best suited for most established franchisees with greater access to financial resources.
Starting a business in Child Care services has great potential. If you're interested, check out our nine available options. On Point Franchise, there is plenty of choice in other sectors as well. We have close to 250 new business investment opportunities in total to choose from.
NOMIS and the ONS provided the data shown on this page. This text was automatically generated by LabSense.