Home Care Franchise opportunities to start in Gloucester
Starting a new business in Gloucester
Gloucester, located in the South West, offers a number of new business investment opportunities, especially if you like working for yourself but not on your own. Learn more about our franchising options here. You might just find the right brand for starting your own business in the Gloucester area. We offer a range of realistic new business investment possibilities, so that you can find one you like.
There are 129,000 people in the Gloucester area. The community has a 4.5% unemployment rate, which is slightly higher than the national average of 4%. Overall, the region's labour force consists of 70,900 people or 87.3% of the total population. Residents in the area earn £26,300 per year on average. This income is slightly lower than the country's average gross income, which reaches just over £30,500.
Why Home Care businesses appeal to franchisees
In the United Kingdom, you will find nine franchises recruiting in Home Care services. Bear in mind that the potential for exciting business plans in the Personal & Home Care Services sector is not limited to Home Care services. Other available investment opportunities include three Photography franchises, 18 Child Care franchises, two Security franchises, five Drainage franchises and 14 Kids & Childrens franchises. See if there's one to suit your business goals.
Three franchises that could interest you
Kare Plus is a competitive franchise that has been operating in Home Care services since 1989. Kare Plus has acquired many loyal customers over the past 31 years. By joining its current 70 franchisees, you would become a part of a growing brand network. You will need to invest £75,000 to start your own Kare Plus business. At least £25,000 of this reasonable amount should come from your own personal investment. Given these low startup costs, this option could be suitable for first-time franchisees.
Radfield Home Care is another interesting franchising opportunity if you plan to invest in Home Care services. This brand is developing, counting 13 outlets in the United Kingdom. To open your own Radfield Home Care franchise, you will need to invest £90,000, of which at least £27,000 should be your own personal investment. You could apply for a loan to help cover the remaining startup costs. The higher startup costs make this an opportunity best suited for most established franchisees with greater access to financial resources. A small premises will also be required to operate this business. Financial assistance is available for eligible franchisees.
Lastly, Apollo Care is an interesting investment opportunity in Home Care services. There are nine locations open so far, and the network is expanding. This business opportunity requires a reasonable initial investment of £26,000. You could get a loan to help cover startup costs, in which case your personal investment will typically need to cover 30 to 50% of the total investment. Apollo Care requires a minimum personal investment of £5,000. These low startup costs make it a good option to pursue for first-time franchisees. An investment in this franchise entitles you to financial aid, if eligible. See our website for more information.
There are currently nine available franchise options in Home Care services. Check out these brands to see if there's a good fit for you. You will find a total of almost 250 franchise options on Point Franchise. So if you are still looking for the perfect investment opportunity, there are still plenty of options for you to explore.
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