Restaurant Franchise opportunities to start in Macclesfield
What to consider when starting a business in Macclesfield
If you're thinking about running your own business in Macclesfield, located in the North West of England, you should explore franchising options. Several companies are currently recruiting in the Cheshire East area. As a franchisee you could run your own business while benefitting from comprehensive support. Keep reading to find out if this could be for you. With your interests and career goals in mind, have a look at our selection of new business investment opportunities.
There are approximately 381,000 people currently living in Cheshire East. When broken down by age range, 60+ year olds represent the largest portion of the population. The labour force makes up 85.2% of the population, or approximately 191,200 people. The region has an unemployment rate of 5% which is slightly higher than the UK average of 4%. The gross annual income in Cheshire East amounts to £33,812, which is higher than the national average of just over £30,500.
Have you considered the Casual Dining sector?
There are 15 franchises in the Casual Dining sector to choose from. Bear in mind that the potential for exciting investment opportunities in the Restaurant industry is not limited to the Casual Dining sector. Other available investment options include two Food Truck franchises, 15 Restaurant franchises, three Frozen Yogurt franchises, two Bubble Tea franchises and four Pizza franchises. See if there's one to suit your business goals.
Here are three examples of franchise businesses
The Casual Dining sector has many franchise options available, such as Wolf. This brand is growing, counting four outlets in the UK. In order to open a Wolf business, a significant initial investment of £200,000 is required. If you plan on getting a loan to cover the startup costs, you will typically need to cover 30 to 50% of the total investment yourself. Wolf requires a personal investment of at least £100,000. It is thus less appropriate for new investors. A large premises will also be required to operate this business. If you choose to invest in this franchise, financial assistance is available, providing you meet the eligibility criteria.
Shoryu Ramen is another successful brand operating in the Casual Dining sector. By joining its current 13 franchisees, you would become a part of a growing brand network. A total of £400,000, a significant initial investment, is required to open a Shoryu Ramen franchise. You might want to consider getting a loan to cover the startup costs, in which case at least £200,000 of the total investment should come from your personal funds. Given these higher startup costs, this is an opportunity best suited for most established franchisees with greater access to financial resources. A small premises will also be required to operate this business. You could also benefit from financial aid, if eligible.
Finally, if the Casual Dining sector appeals to you, Bella Italia is another option you could have a look at. By joining its 100 franchises already in operation, you could contribute to this company's expansion. This business opportunity requires a significant initial investment of £700,000. You could get a loan to help cover startup costs, in which case your personal investment will generally need to cover 30 to 50% of the total investment. Bella Italia asks for a minimum personal investment of £350,000. Due to the higher startup costs, this option is not advisable for first-time franchisees. A large premises will also be required to operate this business.
There are currently 15 available franchise options in the Casual Dining sector. Take a look at these brands to see if there's a good fit for you. If you are still not sure which sector best suits your needs, have a look through our range of 236 franchising opportunities across various sectors on Point Franchise.
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