Food Franchise opportunities to start in Tonbridge
Tonbridge could be home to your new business
Have you ever considered opening a franchise in Tonbridge? This could be your opportunity to run your own business while benefiting from comprehensive training and marketing support, since many businesses in the Tonbridge and Malling area are currently recruiting franchisees. Explore our extensive possibilities in order to find the right brand for you, and you'll be one step closer to starting your own business.
Tonbridge and Malling has an estimated population of 131,000 people. Residents aged 40 to 59 years old are the most represented in the population. Approximately 70,200 people are economically active in the area, representing 88.0% of the population. The unemployment rate (4%) is comparable to the national average (4%). Residents of Tonbridge and Malling have an annual average income of £40,764. In comparison, the average gross salary in the United Kingdom is close to £31,000.
Why open a franchise in the Food sector?
There are 136 franchises in the Food industry to choose from. Could your ideal business be among our 23 Food and Beverage franchises, six Milkshake franchises, 15 Dessert franchises, four Waffle franchises and three Donut franchises? Have a browse to find out. In Tonbridge and Malling, the Hospitality and Food Services industry already provides work for nearly 3,000 people, potentially making this path an ideal one for you, too!
Three franchise business examples worth looking at
LighterLife is an interesting franchise that has been operating in the Food sector since 1992. LighterLife has gained valuable experience in the field in its 28 years since first opening. This brand is developing, counting 50 locations in the United Kingdom. Initially, you would need to invest £1,000 to get your own LighterLife business up and running. These relatively low startup costs make it a good option to pursue for first-time franchisees.
Check out Wafflemeister. There are 24 outlets open so far, and the network is expanding. To start your own Wafflemeister franchise, you will need to invest £150,000, of which at least £100,000 should be your own personal investment. You could get a loan to help cover the remaining startup costs. It is thus less appropriate for new investors. A small premises will also be required to operate this business. Also, if you can't afford the startup costs alone, you may be able to benefit from financial aid.
Finally, Shakeaway is another interesting option. By joining its 40 franchises already in operation, you could contribute to this company's expansion. A total of £100,000, a substantial initial investment, is required to open a Shakeaway franchise. You might want to consider getting a loan to cover the startup costs, in which case at least £40,000 of the total investment should come from your personal funds. Due to the higher startup costs, this option is not advisable for first-time franchisees. You will also need to invest in a large premises to operate this business. Financial assistance is available for eligible franchisees. See our website for more information.
If working in the Food sector appeals to you, have a look at our 136 available franchising options in the sector. If you're still torn between different sectors, no problem! Point Franchise offers close to 250 franchising opportunities across a variety of sectors. Enjoy exploring your options.
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