Car & Automotive Franchise opportunities to start in Willenhall
What to consider when opening a franchise in Willenhall
Willenhall, located in the West Midlands, has many opportunities for people looking to start their own business. There are many brands currently recruiting franchisees in the Walsall area. This could mean working for yourself while benefiting from the comprehensive support of an established brand. By browsing the sectors that appeal to you the most, you will find the brands that best suit your interests and career objectives.
The population of Walsall is 283,000. The most prevalent age group in the population falls within the 0-19 age bracket. Unemployment affects 4% of the UK population. With a rate of 6.7%, unemployment in this area is slightly higher than the national average. The economically active population amounts to 130,000 people, making up 75.7% of the population. The area's average gross annual income of £24,014 is lower than the average income of just over £30,500 across the UK.
Running a franchise in the Automotive industry
There are 27 brands currently looking for franchisees in the Automotive sector. If this sector appeals to you, check them out. Could your ideal business be among our eight Garage & Car Repair franchises, three Tyre franchises, 10 Car franchises, three Car Wash franchises and two Taxi franchises? Have a look to find out.
Three examples of available franchise business opportunities
If you'd like to run your own Automotive business, The Wheel Specialist could be a great option for you. By joining its current 30 franchisees, you would become a part of a growing brand network. You will need to invest £160,000 to begin operating your own Wheel Specialist business, which is a substantial initial investment. Your personal investment should account for at least £60,000 of the total amount. Due to the higher startup costs, this option is not advisable for first-time franchisees. A small premises will also be required to operate this business. If you choose to invest in this franchise, financial aid is available, providing you meet the eligibility criteria. See eligibility details on our website.
Autoglym is an interesting investment opportunity in the Automotive sector. First launched in 1996, the brand has acquired valuable experience and expertise over the past 24 years. By joining its network of 65 franchisees, you could play a part in this brand's success. Initially, you would need to invest £50,000 to get your own Autoglym business up and running. The higher startup costs make this an opportunity best suited for most established franchisees with greater access to financial resources.
Etyres is a third interesting franchise option in the Automotive sector. First established in 1996, the company now has 24 years of experience, making it a leader in the sector.
If you want to work in the Automotive industry, the perfect business opportunity could be waiting for you among our 27 available franchises in the sector. If you're curious about franchising options in other sectors, Point Franchise offers 236 brands to pick from.
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