Car & Automotive Franchise opportunities to start in Tamworth
Tamworth: A great location to start a business
If you want to start your own business, you may find that Tamworth has a lot to offer. Several companies are currently looking for franchisees in the Tamworth area. Keep reading to see if running a franchise could be a good option for you! If you already know which line of work you'd like to pursue, look into our franchise opportunities in that sector. If not, have a look and see what other options catch your eye. We have brands to suit all kinds of interests and career objectives.
The Tamworth area has a population of 77,000 residents. When broken down by age group, the 40-59 age range is the most prevalent in the population. The 5.3% unemployment rate among the 40,600 economically active people in the area is slightly higher than the national average. Residents of Tamworth have an annual average income of £26,343. In comparison, the average gross salary in the UK is just over £30,500.
Have you considered the Automotive industry?
If you would like to operate an Automotive franchise, you are likely to find one that interests you among 27 available across the UK. There are two Taxi franchises, three Tyre franchises, 10 Car franchises, eight Garage & Car Repair franchises and three Car Wash franchises offering franchising opportunities. You'll find options to suit many different career goals and aspirations.
Three franchises that might interest you
If you are interested in opening a business in the Automotive industry, read about The Wheel Specialist. By joining its network of 30 franchisees, you could play a part in this brand's success. A total of £160,000, a significant initial investment, is required to open a Wheel Specialist franchise. You might want to consider getting a loan to cover the startup costs, in which case at least £60,000 of the total investment should come from your personal funds. Given these higher startup costs, this is an opportunity best suited for most established franchisees with greater access to financial resources. You will also need to invest in a small premises to operate this business. You may qualify for financial aid. See our website for more information.
Take a look at Autoglym. First established in 1996, Autoglym now has over 24 years of experience under its belt. By joining its 65 franchises already in operation, you could contribute to this brand's expansion. You will need an initial investment of £50,000 to start your own Autoglym business. Due to the higher startup costs, this option is not advisable for first-time franchisees.
Etyres is a third interesting franchising opportunity in the Automotive sector. Initially established in 1996, the company is now mature and a leader within the sector, having developed its franchise network for 24 years.
If you would like to check out more new business investment options in the Automotive industry, we currently have 27 available opportunities. Don't forget that we offer new business investment selections across a variety of sectors on Point Franchise. If you're still looking for the perfect match, just explore our opportunity of almost 250 franchising possibilities.
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