Retail & Stores Franchise opportunities to start in Stevenage
Stevenage: A great location to start a business
You could start your own business by becoming a franchisee in Stevenage. There are a number of possibilities to choose from in Stevenage, located in the East of England. Check out our range of brands and start running your own business with a team behind you. To begin, look for the line of work that interests you the most. This is a quick way to find the franchise best suited to you.
The Stevenage area has a population of 88,000 residents. The 20-39 age group has the highest concentration in the population. Stevenage has an unemployment rate of 3% within its labour force of 46,300 people. This rate is low compared to the UK average. Stevenage has an average annual salary of £28,369, which is slightly lower than the national average income of just over £30,500.
Why choose to open a business in the Retail industry?
Are you interested in the Retail industry? You're likely to find a franchise worth considering among 61 brands across the United Kingdom. Could your ideal business be among our three Craft franchises, four Sweet Shop franchises, four Printing franchises, four Tool franchises and three Toy Store franchises? Have a browse to find out. The Retail industry provides work for many people. In Stevenage, companies currently employ 4,500 people in the industry.
Three franchise business examples
Signorini TARTUFI is a competitive franchise operating in the Retail industry. There are 31 locations open so far, and the network is expanding. To start your business, you will need an initial investment of £90,000. If you plan on getting a loan to cover the costs of opening a franchise, a personal investment of 30 to 50% of the total amount will typically be required. For Signorini TARTUFI, the minimum personal investment is £30,000. The higher startup costs make this an opportunity best suited for most established franchisees with greater access to financial resources. A small premises will also be required to operate this business. You could also receive financial assistance, if eligible.
Another option to consider is Zip Yard. Financial aid can be given in some circumstances. Visit our website for more information.
Finally, another interesting investment opportunity is Cash Generator, which has been operating since 1997. The brand has acquired valuable experience and expertise over the past 23 years. The brand's network is made up of 700 franchisees, which promote its exposure. You will need to invest £240,000 to open your own Cash Generator business. At least £80,000 of this significant amount should come from your own personal investment. Given these higher startup costs, this opportunity is less suitable for first-time franchisees.
There are currently 61 available franchising opportunities in the Retail industry. Take a look at these brands to find out if there's a good fit for you. Whether you've already made the decision to invest or are still weighing your options, it's worth exploring different sectors. At Point Franchise, we have a total of almost 250 franchising opportunities to help you find the perfect fit.
NOMIS and the ONS provided the data shown on this page. This text was automatically generated by LabSense.