Retail Franchise opportunities to start in Weymouth
What to know before starting a business in Weymouth
If you'd like to open your own business but don't know where to start, a franchise might just be the answer. Weymouth, situated in the South West, could be a good place to start as there are many brands currently recruiting franchisees in the Dorset area. Browse our extensive possibilities in order to find the right franchise for you, and you'll be one step closer to opening your own business.
Dorset has a population of approximately 376,000 people. The 60+ age range makes up the majority of the population. The community has 157,200 economically active people, representing 77.8% of the population, with an unemployment rate of 2.6%. This rate is significantly lower than the country's 4% national average. The average annual salary across the United Kingdom is close to £31,000. With a gross income averaging £27,043, residents of Dorset have a slightly lower salary than the national average.
The High Street Shops sector: An interesting opportunity for franchisees
If you wish to operate a High Street Shops franchise, you are likely to find one that interests you among 19 available across the UK. Bear in mind that the Retail industry offers many investment opportunities in addition to those in the High Street Shops sector. Have a look through our three Fashion franchise, three Craft franchises, four Sweet Shop franchises, four Printing franchises and three E Cigarette franchises to see if any suit your career goals and aspirations.
Three examples of available franchise business opportunities
If you're interested in the High Street Shops sector, have a look at CAVAVIN. By joining its network of 160 franchisees, you would become a part of a strong business community. Starting a CAVAVIN business requires a significant initial investment of £100,000. At least £40,000 should come from your own personal investment. Given these higher startup costs, this is an opportunity best suited for most established franchisees with greater access to financial resources. A large premises will also be required to operate this business. By investing in this franchise, you may be eligible for financial support.
You could also consider Granite & TREND Transformations. A total of £67,500 is required to open a Granite & TREND Transformations franchise. You might want to consider getting a loan to cover the startup costs, in which case at least £30,000 of the total investment should come from your personal funds. Due to the higher startup costs, this option is not advisable for first-time franchisees.
Finally, another option worth considering is Tubz Vending. The brand operates in 300 franchise locations which make up a well-established business network. An initial investment of £3,295 will allow you to start your own Tubz Vending business. These low startup costs make this a good franchising option for first-time franchisees. You will also need to invest in a small premises to operate this business.
If you are interested in the High Street Shops sector and would like to discover more franchising opportunities, take a look at the 19 brands available in this sector. If this sector doesn't suit your needs, don't worry. Point Franchise offers close to 250 franchise options across a variety of sectors to help you find your perfect investment opportunity.
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