Retail Franchise opportunities to start in Urmston
Starting a new business in Urmston
Are you considering opening a franchise? Urmston, in the North West of England, could have a lot to offer. By becoming a franchisee, you could benefit from training and marketing support from an established brand while managing your own business. Have a look at the brands currently recruiting in Trafford. Browsing our selection of companies and sectors will allow you to pinpoint the type of business that is right for you.
There are an estimated 236,000 people in the Trafford area. When broken down by age group, the majority of the population falls within the 40-59 category. Approximately 120,100 people are economically active in the community, representing 82.4% of the population. The unemployment rate (4.5%) is high compared to the UK average (4%). Residents of Trafford have an annual average salary of £35,667. In comparison, the average gross income in the United Kingdom is close to £31,000.
Running a franchise in the High Street Shops sector
There are 19 brands offering franchise options in the High Street Shops sector. The High Street Shops sector is part of the Retail industry which offers a wide range of interesting options. These include three Fashion franchises, 19 Retail franchise, two Greeting Card franchises, three E Cigarette franchises and four Printing franchises. See if any catch your eye.
Three examples of available franchise business opportunities
Schmidt is an interesting business operating in the High Street Shops sector. A total of £350,000, a substantial initial investment, is required to open a Schmidt franchise. You might want to consider getting a loan to cover the startup costs, in which case at least £80,000 of the total investment should come from your personal funds. The higher startup costs make this an opportunity best suited for most established franchisees with greater access to financial resources. A small premises will also be required to operate this business. Financial support is available for eligible franchisees.
Another brand worth considering is CAVAVIN. The brand's network is vast, counting 160 locations in the United Kingdom. This business opportunity requires a significant initial investment of £100,000. You could get a loan to help cover startup costs, in which case your personal investment will typically need to cover 30 to 50% of the total investment. CAVAVIN requires a minimum personal investment of £40,000. Given these higher startup costs, this opportunity is less suitable for first-time franchisees. A large premises will also be required to operate this business. By investing in this franchise, you may qualify for financial assistance.
Finally, Veeno is another interesting option. By joining its current eight franchisee, you would be joining a growing brand network. You will need to invest £80,000 to start your own Veeno business. At least £35,000 of this should come from your own personal investment. Given these higher startup costs, this is an opportunity best suited for most established franchisees with greater access to financial resources. Financial aid can be provided in some circumstances. See our website for more information.
The High Street Shops sector currently offers 19 investment opportunities. If you're interested in exploring business options in other sectors, we've got a total of almost 250 franchising opportunities to choose from on Point Franchise.
Data on this page was collected from NOMIS and the ONS. This content was machine-generated in partnership with LabSense.