Estate Agent & Property Franchise opportunities to start in Runcorn
What to consider when opening a franchise in Runcorn
If you want to start a business in Runcorn, working for yourself but not on your own, then check out our franchising options in the North West of England. On this page, you will find a range of brands to choose from for becoming a franchisee in the Halton area and across the United Kingdom. Exploring our selection of brands and sectors will allow you to pinpoint the type of business that is right for you.
Halton has an estimated population of 128,000 residents. The 40-59 age group has the highest concentration in the population. The labour force makes up 79.9% of the population, or approximately 62,400 people. The community has an unemployment rate of 2.8% which is significantly lower than the national average of 4%. The gross annual salary in Halton amounts to £26,304, which is slightly lower than the national average of £30,629.
The Estate Agent & Property sector could be the right choice for you
There are 14 franchises in the Estate Agent & Property sector to choose from. Bear in mind that the potential for exciting investment opportunities in the Estate Agency & Property sector is not limited to the Estate Agent & Property sector. Other available investment opportunities include seven Online Estate Agent franchises and one Mortgage franchise. See if there's one to suit your career goals.
Want to know more? Read about these three brands
If you would like to invest in the Estate Agent & Property sector, No Letting Go could be a good option. This brand is expanding, counting 65 locations in the United Kingdom. Opening a No Letting Go business requires an initial investment of £17,950. Given these low startup costs, this option could be suitable for first-time franchisees. If you can't afford the startup costs on your own, you may qualify for financial assistance.
Another brand worth considering is Northwood. You will need an initial investment of £50,000 to open your own Northwood business. Given these higher startup costs, this is an opportunity best suited for most established franchisees with greater access to financial resources.
As a final example, check out EweMove. By joining its current 100 franchisees, you would become a part of a growing brand network. You may be eligible for financial aid. See our website for more information.
If you are considering running a franchise business in the Estate Agent & Property sector, you might be interested to browse our 14 available brands. If you're curious about franchising opportunities in other sectors, Point Franchise has close to 250 brands to pick from.
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