Driver Hire franchise
Driver Hire Successful management franchise with low fixed costs.

Established in 1983, Driver Hire has become the UK’s largest specialist logistics recruiter, supplying customers in a wide range of sectors nationwide. The Driver Hire network consists of 104 offices across the UK; all focused on supplying thousands of satisfied customers each year.

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Peter Quittenton and Christian Salter takes Driver Hire to new heights!

Two young local entrepreneurs, Peter Quittenton and Christian Salter have bought a specialist recruitment agency, Driver Hire Lincoln. Peter (24) and Christian (24) already know the business well because they both worked for the previous owner.

“Over the last few years, at our appraisals, our boss asked us about our long-term plans,” says Peter. “We always said, when she decided to sell, we’d love to make the business ours. And now our dream’s come true.” 

The UK’s largest specialist supplier with a nationwide network of franchised offices, Driver Hire provides temporary and permanent drivers and other logistics staff to local and national organisations in both the public and private sectors. If they’re short of staff – perhaps because of illness, holidays or seasonal demand – Driver Hire will supply them with a suitable replacement.

Before joining the Driver Hire Lincoln team, Peter, having successfully completed an Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) Level 4 diploma, was working on a farm while doing evening work in a bar. Christian joined Driver Hire in 2014 as a school leaver apprentice. Over the past eight years, he’s learnt the recruitment business from bottom to top and is now eagerly looking forward to using that knowledge to take Driver Hire Lincoln to new heights.

“Our respective skill sets work really well together,” Peter continues. “We’ve got away to a flying start and there’s definitely more scope for us to develop the business further. We both love working for Driver Hire and now the business is ours it’s even more rewarding.”

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