How franchising can help you switch the office for the outdoors

Greensleeves franchise


Lawn Treatment Experts with Over 23 Years Experience

As one of the oldest and largest lawn treatment providers nationwide, Greensleeves Lawn Treatment Experts are recognised for delivering high-quality, affordable lawn care services.

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greensleeves-franchising-tipsWhat is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of running your own business? Is it being stuck in an office, making phone calls or working long hours? In reality, it does not have to be like that at all. Taking on an outdoor franchise allows people to start their own ‘non-office business’ far away from a desk or computer. David Truby, the MD of Greensleeves, believes that if you are someone that wants a complete career change, investing in an outdoor franchise could be the perfect solution for you. 

Health equals wealth  

It is no surprise that working in the fresh air will have tremendous health benefits. If you decide to do a physical job, such as gardening, dog walking, or putting up signs, you could potentially burn a lot of calories throughout the day, which means you will stay trim and in good shape. However, it is not just your physical health you can improve by joining an outdoor franchise business; working outdoors is also great for your mental wellbeing. Spending time in nature and focusing on plants and wildlife will help you clear your head and keep you feeling positive.  

Keep things fresh with outdoor franchises 

There is plenty of flexibility with an outdoor franchise. So, before deciding which one you want to join, consider if you want a seasonal business that you could operate for a few months, like an ice cream business that you could solely operate in the summer. Or would you prefer something that you can manage all year round, like a gardening franchise? In the horticulture business, it is essential to care for your customers’ lawns all year-round to ensure that they are protected, moss-free and healthy. If we do not service and prepare lawns in winter, they will not get the best results for summer. Outdoor businesses that choose to work throughout the year will be busier and have higher profits than those only open for the summer months.  

I also recommend checking with your potential franchisor to see what additional services they offer to maximise income. For example, if you join a pet care franchise, do they offer pet sitting or pet transportation services too?  

(Un)chained to your desk 

Many office workers would love the chance to step outside during the day, and owning an outdoor franchise allows you to do exactly that. If you invested in a lawn care franchise like Greensleeves, you would be out treating lawns and meeting new people regularly. 

A man in the know 

If you are on the fence about trading in your office job for the outdoors, here is a man who has been there, done that. Mick Perrone is the perfect example of somebody who stepped away from their job to pursue a better work-life balance by taking on an outdoor franchise. And after joining Greensleeves, it is safe to say he has not looked back. After working for over 20 years as an account manager in audio-visual distribution, Mick decided to take on Greensleeves Bedford in 2021. 

After 20 years in my previous industry with three different companies, I decided I needed a change from the office environment. I was always up and out early and back late. I had to travel a lot and just didn’t really have enough spare time to spend with my family,” said Mick. “When the pandemic hit, I found myself stuck at home doing online meetings and trying to sell visual products over Zoom. As you can imagine, it was pretty difficult and demoralising. However, being stuck at home made me appreciate things more, like spending time outdoors and with my children. 

“Working outside is a far more social job. Of course, some days you have a lot on, so you can’t chat with the customer, but there are other times when it’s nice to have a cuppa or a snack with them. Now I’m with Greensleeves I have new challenges. For example, in the summertime, my work day can be 12 hours long, but I don’t mind because it doesn’t feel like a job. I don’t ever get bored because we offer seasonal treatments, meaning our services change every 10/12 weeks,” added Mick. 

I had no real experience in lawn care before joining Greensleeves, but the training they provided was excellent and the ongoing support has been equally good. By joining a franchise like Greensleeves, I have access to the encouragement and the knowledge of the Greensleeves network. Something I wouldn’t have had if I started my own business.” 

About the Author 

David Truby is the MD of Greensleeves. Established in 1998, Greensleeves is a lawn care franchise with 108 territories in the UK. Greensleeves deliver an all-year-round lawn care service through a network of franchisees across the UK, and in 2021 recorded a record-breaking year.

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