Signs Express welcomes those facing redundancy
Cara Squires, writer
Published at 10/05/2021, Updated on 10/05/2021 , Reading time: 1 min
Signs Express has encouraged hard-working, business minded people facing redundancy to consider franchising with the commercial signage company.
For those facing redundancy, feelings of confusion are totally normal. But losing your job isn’t just an ending - it could be an opportunity for a new beginning. Signs Express has recognised this, and is asking those facing redundancy to think about a new adventure, and a less standard route into being a boss and running a business.
The sign franchise, which was established 30 years ago, is largest of its kind in the UK and Ireland. When you become a Signs Express franchisee, you’ll join 60 like-minded business owners, with whom you can share challenges, tips and experiences with. You’ll receive comprehensive franchisee training, covering a wide range of topics including marketing, sales, operations and business planning.
Most importantly, you’ll be in charge of your own future. Why start from scratch when a career with Signs Express could offer a proven track record of success, access to high-quality training, and access to expert support?
No prior experience in the industry is required for those wanting to potentially invest in Signs Express. All new franchisees need is drive, passion, ambition, and the commercial vision to see all of the amazing opportunities that Signs Express has to offer.
Most Signs Express franchisees stay with the business for more than 15 years, and thankfully, none of them have ever had to make themselves redundant to date. If you’re facing a career change, and you’re looking for a new challenge that provides freedom and security in equal measure, Signs Express might be the perfect solution.
To become a Signs Express franchisee, you’ll need to make a minimum investment of £65,000. For more information about the sign franchise, visit its profile, which you’ll find linked above.

Signs Express
Established for almost 30 years, with over 65 centres throughout the UK and Ireland Signs Express is one of the most successful business models in the B2B arena and has the experience to help you become your own boss as a franchisee
Cara Squires, writer