Green Machine shares its top four reasons to invest in the commercial cleaning sector
Cara Squires, writer
Published at 07/06/2021, Updated on 07/06/2021 , Reading time: 1 min
The environmentally conscious cleaning franchise explained why it’s confident that becoming a Green Machine franchisee is a smart, financially viable decision.
Green Machine, founded in 2012, recently broke down the advantages of investing in the growing cleaning franchise. Reason one was the huge potential for repeat business. Within the commercial cleaning sector, contracted, regular work is actually more common than one-off jobs. Businesses have a regular demand for cleaning services, and know that if their premises are clean, their brand’s reputation will benefit.
Reason number two is the incredible recurring income opportunities. Cleaning services are always needed, and in fact, demand for cleaning services has increased during the global pandemic, even when many other industries were witnessing a decrease.
Also, even when businesses are forced to make cutbacks, cleaning services are more likely to be reduced than fully axed. For businesses like schools and medical facilities in particular, cleanliness is imperative. As long as these establishments continue to exist and operate, there will always be a need for commercial cleaners.
Green Machine then explained that the third reason to invest in the company is to benefit from all the biggests pros of franchising - a proven business model, a reputable brand name, and a lower risk of business failure. As a Green machine franchisee, you’ll be able to confidently connect with an established business. You’ll receive comprehensive training and ongoing support.
Finally, the franchise reminded would-be investors that Green Machine franchisees don’t need any experience in the commercial cleaning sector in order to be considered suitable for the role. Training is provided, and any knowledge gaps will be covered. If you’re interested in becoming a franchisee, visit Green Machine’s profile page, which you’ll find linked above.

Green Machine
The Green Machine commercial cleaning franchise offers an exciting new opportunity that benefits the environment and offers franchisees a rewarding future. You could be eligible for the new Government-backed start-up loan which would cover 100% of your Green Machine investment costs.
Cara Squires, writer