Home Based Franchise opportunities to start in Basingstoke
What to consider when starting a business in Basingstoke
You could start your own business by becoming a franchisee in Basingstoke. There are a number of opportunities to choose from in Basingstoke and Deane, located in South East England. Have a look at our range of brands and start running your own business with a team behind you. Deciding which sector you'd like to work in will lead you to the brands that best suit your needs and business objectives.
There are 176,000 people living in the Basingstoke and Deane region. The 40-59 age group makes up the majority of the population. The area has a 2.5% unemployment rate, which is significantly lower than the national average of 4%. Overall, the region's economically active population consists of 94,900 people or 85.1% of the total population. Residents in the area earn £34,367 per year on average. This income is higher than the national average gross salary, which reaches £30,629.
Why the Home Based business sector might be a good option for you
Are you interested in running your own business in the Home Based business sector? Have a look at our 30 franchise options available in this field.
Three franchise business examples
The Home Based business sector has many franchise options available, such as Business Partnership. The brand is growing, with 19 locations already in operation, and a desire to expand further. Opening a Business Partnership franchise will require you to invest a minimum of £34,000. At least £20,000 of this should come from your own personal investment. Whether you're an established franchisee or a first-time investor, the low startup costs mean that this could be a good option for you. Good to know: you won't need any premises as you can work from home. By investing in this franchise, you may be eligible for financial support.
Another possibility to consider is Your Mortgage Plus. This brand is expanding, counting five franchises across the country. This business requires an affordable initial investment of £19,995. If you intend to get a loan to cover startup costs, you should anticipate adding a personal investment of 30 to 50% of the total investment as a general rule. The minimal personal investment to open a Your Mortgage Plus business is £9,995. These low startup costs make this a good franchising option for first-time franchisees. Financial assistance is available for eligible franchisees.
Bartercard UK is a third interesting franchising opportunity in the Home Based business sector. By joining its current 75 franchisees, you would become a part of a growing brand network. Starting a Bartercard UK business requires a reasonable initial investment of £6,000. At least £2,000 should come from your own personal investment. Whether you're an established franchisee or a first-time investor, the low startup costs mean that this could be a good option for you. If you make the decision to invest in this franchise, financial aid is available, providing you meet the eligibility criteria. See our website for details.
If you are interested in the Home Based business sector and would like to learn more about its available franchising options, check out the 30 companies currently recruiting franchisees in the sector. But you also have plenty of investment possibilities in other sectors as well, including more than 232 franchising opportunities available on Point Franchise.
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