Van Based Franchise opportunities to start in Totton
What to consider when opening a business in Totton
Discover the business opportunities waiting for you in Totton, situated in the South East of England. On this page you'll find a range of brands that could make you a franchisee in the New Forest area. Becoming a franchisee would allow you to run your own business and benefit from comprehensive support. Why not have a look through our selection of franchising options? There are opportunities to suit various needs and career goals.
There are approximately 180,000 people currently living in New Forest. The 60+ age group makes up the majority of the population. In the UK, the average gross income is just over £30,500; in the New Forest area, it is £29,193.
Why the Van Based business sector appeals to franchisees
Across the United Kingdom, there are currently 41 opportunities to open your own franchise in the Van Based business sector. Could your ideal business be among our two Coffee Van franchises and 13 Van franchises? Have a browse to find out.
Three franchises that could interest you
If you plan to invest in the Van Based business sector, FiltaFry could be a good option. The brand is expanding, with 39 outlets currently in operation, and a desire to expand further. You will need to invest £14,950 to begin operating your own FiltaFry business, which is a reasonable initial investment. Your personal investment should account for at least £5,000 of the total amount. These low startup costs make it a good option to pursue for first-time franchisees. Also, if you can't afford the startup costs alone, you may be able to benefit from financial aid.
If the Van Based business sector appeals to you, Optic-Kleer is another option you could have a look at. First established in 2003, Optic-Kleer has proved itself to be a successful business and leader in the sector in its 17 years since opening. By joining its network of 50 franchisees, you could contribute to this brand's success. Opening an Optic-Kleer business requires an initial investment of £15,000. Given these low startup costs, this opportunity is suitable for both first-time investors and established franchisees. If you decide to invest in this franchise, financial assistance is available, providing you meet the eligibility criteria.
As a final Van Based franchise option, check out Coffee Blue. There are 10 locations open so far, and the network is expanding. This business requires a reasonable initial investment of £41,945. If you intend to get a loan to cover startup costs, you should anticipate adding a personal investment of 30 to 50% of the total investment as a general rule. The minimal personal investment to start a Coffee Blue business is £8,000. Given these low startup costs, this option could be suitable for first-time franchisees. When investing in this franchise, you could be eligible for financial aid. See our website for more information.
If you are considering running a franchise business in the Van Based business sector, you might be interested to explore our 41 available brands. You will find a total of close to 250 franchise possibilities here on Point Franchise. So if you haven't settled on one sector yet, take your time and explore all the options.
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