Travel & Leisure Franchise opportunities to start in Winchester
Winchester: A great location to start a business
Would you like to start a business in Winchester, located in the South East of England? Would you like to work for yourself but not on your own? If so, check out our franchising options. On this page, you'll find various companies offering the training and support you need to run your own business in the Winchester area. To begin, look for the line of work that interests you the most. This is a quick way to find the franchise best suited to you.
The Winchester area has a population of 124,000 residents. The most prevalent age group in the population is 40 to 59 years old. The community has a 4.2% unemployment rate, which is in line with the national average of 4%. Overall, the region's labour force consists of 55,200 people or 75.7% of the total population. The UK's annual average income is £30,629. Salaries in Winchester are higher in comparison, averaging £35,346 a year.
The Travel & Leisure industry and its business opportunities
Across the UK, there are 19 franchises operating in the Travel & Leisure industry. Could your ideal business be among our seven Recreation franchises, five Art franchises and two Dance Studio franchises? Have a look to find out.
Eager to know more? Here are three franchise business examples
If you're planning to invest in the Travel & Leisure industry, take a look at Jo Jingles, a brand that launched in 1995. The brand is now mature and a leader within the sector, having grown its franchise network for 25 years. The brand is developing, with 90 locations already in operation, and a desire to expand further.
DIGI-SPORTS ® NETWORK is another successful brand operating in the Travel & Leisure industry. By joining its 54 franchises already in operation, you could contribute to this brand's expansion. Opening a DIGI-SPORTS ® NETWORK business requires a reasonable initial investment of £16,200. At least £9,000 should come from your own personal investment. Given these low startup costs, this opportunity is suitable for both first-time investors and established franchisees. When investing in this franchise, you could be eligible for financial aid.
Finally, another possibility to consider is Red Herring Games. By joining its network, you could contribute to this brand's success. To start your own Red Herring Games business, you will need an initial investment of £8,495. Given these low startup costs, this opportunity is suitable for both first-time investors and established franchisees. An investment in this franchise entitles you to financial assistance, if eligible. Visit our website for more information.
Many businesses are already operating in the Travel & Leisure industry. We currently have 19 franchise opportunities available in the sector. If this sector doesn't suit your needs, don't worry. Point Franchise offers close to 250 franchise options across a range of sectors to help you find your perfect business opportunity.
NOMIS and the ONS provided the data shown on this page. This text was automatically generated by LabSense.