Travel & Leisure Franchise opportunities to start in Atherton
What to consider when opening a business in Atherton
Have you ever considered opening a franchise in Atherton? This could be your opportunity to manage your own business while receiving comprehensive training and marketing support, since many brands in the Wigan area are currently recruiting franchisees. Why not have a look through our selection of new business investment options? There are opportunities to suit many needs and career objectives.
The population of Wigan is made up of 326,000 people. The age group with the highest concentration is 40-59. In terms of employment, the area has a labour force of 161,600 people (79.5%), of which the unemployment rate is 2.9%. This figure is significantly lower than the average unemployment rate across the United Kingdom. Residents of Wigan have an annual average income of £26,009. In comparison, the average gross salary in the UK is just over £30,500.
What the Travel & Leisure industry could offer you
If the idea of running a business in the Travel & Leisure industry appeals to you, have a look at the 19 brands currently recruiting franchisees in the sector. You can pick an investment opportunity from two Dance Studio franchises, seven Recreation franchises and five Art franchises. Let our selection of brands be your guide to starting your next exciting business venture.
Two franchises that could interest you
If you'd like to run your own Travel & Leisure business, Jo Jingles might be a great option for you. In operation since 1995, the company now has 25 years of experience, making it a leader in the field. By joining its 90 franchises already in operation, you could contribute to this brand's expansion. Jo Jingles could be a good option for you, as the company provides comprehensive training and support.
Finally, another option to consider is DIGI-SPORTS ® NETWORK. By joining its network of 54 franchisees, you could play a part in this brand's success. You will need an initial investment of £16,200 to open your own DIGI-SPORTS ® NETWORK business. Your personal investment should account for at least £9,000 of the total amount. You may want to think about getting a loan to open a business in this sector. These low startup costs make it a good option to pursue for first-time franchisees. DIGI-SPORTS ® NETWORK also provides training and assistance to help you run your business successfully.
If you would like to know more about franchise opportunities in the Travel & Leisure industry, have a browse through our 19 available options. On Point Franchise, there is plenty of choice in other sectors as well. We have close to 250 franchising opportunities in total to choose from.
Data on this page was collected from NOMIS and the ONS. This content was machine-generated in partnership with LabSense.