Personal & Home Care Services Franchise opportunities to start in Rugby
Rugby is an attractive town to invest in
Discover the business options waiting for you in Rugby, situated in the West Midlands. On this page you'll find a range of brands that could make you a franchisee in the Rugby area. Becoming a franchisee would allow you to manage your own business and benefit from comprehensive support. Explore our extensive possibilities in order to find the right franchise for you, and you'll be one step closer to starting your own business.
Rugby has a population of approximately 107,000 people. The population's most prevalent age group is made up of 40-59 year olds. The region has an economically active population of 57,200 people, or 86.7% of the total population. The unemployment rate (3.9%) is comparable to the rest of the UK. The average gross income in the United Kingdom is close to £31,000. Residents of Rugby earn £30,280 a year on average.
Why choose to open a business in the Personal & Home Care Services sector?
If you wish to operate a Personal & Home Care Services franchise, you are likely to find one that appeals to you among 185 available across the United Kingdom. You will find 17 Education franchises, 14 Kids & Childrens franchises, two AC franchises, 12 Senior Care franchises and two Electrical franchises offering the opportunity to invest. Have a look at our available brands to find a potential match.
Three examples of available franchise business opportunities
If you are interested in opening a business in the Personal & Home Care Services sector, read about Swimtime. There are 28 outlets open so far, and the network is expanding. To start your own Swimtime franchise, you will need to invest £10,000, of which at least £8,000 should be your own personal investment. You could get a loan to help cover the remaining startup costs. These relatively low startup costs make it a good option to pursue for first-time franchisees. Financial support is available for eligible franchisees.
Take a look at Secure Locker Rentals. By joining its current six franchisees, you would be joining a growing brand network. You will need to invest £20,500 to open your own Secure Locker Rentals business. At least £10,000 of this affordable amount should come from your own personal investment. These relatively low startup costs make it a good option to pursue for first-time franchisees. Also, if you can't afford the startup costs on your own, you may qualify for financial assistance.
Finally, if the Personal & Home Care Services sector appeals to you, Creation Station is another option you could consider. In business since 2002, Creation Station has gained valuable experience in the field in its 18 years since first opening. The brand benefits from a well-established network and good visibility, running in 104 franchise locations. If you can't afford the startup costs on your own, you may be eligible for financial aid. See eligibility details on our website.
There are currently 185 available franchising opportunities in the Personal & Home Care Services sector. Check out these brands to see if there's a good fit for you. Whether you've already decided to invest or are still weighing your options, it's worth looking at different sectors. At Point Franchise, we have a total of close to 250 franchising opportunities to help you find the right fit.
This page contains machine-generated content provided by LabSense, using data collected from NOMIS and the ONS.