Restaurant, Coffee Shop & Pub Franchise opportunities to start in Maidstone
Is Maidstone a good place to become a franchisee?
Discover the business options waiting for you in Maidstone, situated in South East England. On this page you'll find a range of brands that could make you a franchisee in the Maidstone area. Becoming a franchisee would allow you to manage your own business and benefit from comprehensive support. There are a variety of new business investment opportunities available based on your budget and career goals. Have a browse to find the brand that appeals to you most.
Maidstone has an estimated population of 170,000 residents. The 40-59 age group is the most represented within the population. The annual salary in the United Kingdom is just over £30,500 on average. The people of Maidstone earn an average annual salary of £30,359, in line with the national average.
Why Restaurant businesses appeal to franchisees
In the United Kingdom, there are 88 franchises recruiting in the Restaurant industry. This sector offers a number of interesting options, including four Halal franchises, two Burger franchises, 11 Fast Food franchises, four Pizza franchises and five Noodle Bar franchises. See if any catch your eye. Hospitality and Food Services is a well-established industry, providing work for 5,000 people in Maidstone alone.
Three franchises that might interest you
If you'd like to run your own Restaurant business, Wolf could be a great option for you. The brand is expanding, with four outlets currently in operation, and a desire to expand further. Starting a Wolf business requires a significant initial investment of £200,000. At least £100,000 should come from your own personal investment. Due to the higher startup costs, this option is not recommended for first-time franchisees. A large premises will also be required to operate this business. An investment in this franchise entitles you to expert training and support as well as financial aid, if eligible.
Have a look at Rooster Shack, another competitive Restaurant franchise. This brand is growing, counting two locations across the United Kingdom. A total of £150,000, a substantial initial investment, is required to open a Rooster Shack franchise. You might want to consider getting a loan to cover the startup costs, in which case at least £75,000 of the total investment should come from your personal funds. It is thus less appropriate for new investors. You will also need to invest in a large premises to operate this business. You may feel more secure in starting a Rooster Shack franchise knowing that franchisees are provided with full training, assistance and support. Eligible candidates may also apply for financial assistance.
As a final Restaurant franchise option, check out Bella Italia. There are 100 outlets open so far, and the network is expanding. You will need to invest £700,000 to start your own Bella Italia business. At least £350,000 of this significant amount should come from your own personal investment. It is thus less appropriate for new investors. You will also need to invest in a large premises to operate this business. Bella Italia could be a good option for you, as the company provides comprehensive training and support. Also, if you can't afford the startup costs alone, you may be entitled to financial aid. See our website for details.
Opening a franchise in the Restaurant sector has great potential. If you're interested, explore our 88 available opportunities. At Point Franchise, we are proud to offer almost 250 franchise options across various sectors, helping you find the perfect investment opportunities for you.
Data on this page was collected from NOMIS and the ONS. This content was machine-generated in partnership with LabSense.