Retail Franchise opportunities to start in Stretford
Starting a franchise business in Stretford
You could start your own business by becoming a franchisee in Stretford. There are a number of possibilities to choose from in Trafford, located in the North West of England. Check out our selection of brands and start managing your own business with a team behind you. Explore our extensive possibilities in order to find the right franchise for you, and you'll be one step closer to opening your own business.
The population of Trafford is 236,000. The majority of the population sits within the 40-59 age group. The community has a 4.5% unemployment rate, which is slightly higher than the national average of 4%. Overall, the region's labour force consists of 120,100 people or 82.4% of the total population. The gross annual salary in Trafford amounts to £35,667, which is higher than the national average of just over £30,500.
Running a High Street Shops franchise business
If the idea of running a business in the High Street Shops sector appeals to you, take a look at the 19 brands currently recruiting franchisees in the sector. The High Street Shops sector is just one example of a sector you could invest in. Could your ideal business be among our four Tool franchises, two Greeting Card franchises, three Toy Store franchises, two Music Shop franchises and three Craft franchises available in the Retail industry? Have a browse to find out.
Read about these three brands to see what franchise opportunities exist
Initially established in 1997, Cash Generator operates in the High Street Shops sector. Cash Generator now has over 23 years of experience under its belt. The brand runs in 700 franchise locations which make up a strong business network. You will need to invest £240,000 to start operating your own Cash Generator business, which is a substantial initial investment. Your personal investment should account for at least £80,000 of the total amount. It is thus less appropriate for new investors.
If the High Street Shops sector appeals to you, Granite & TREND Transformations is another option you could have a look at. This business opportunity requires an initial investment of £67,500. You could get a loan to help cover startup costs, in which case your personal investment will usually need to cover 30 to 50% of the total investment. Granite & TREND Transformations asks for a minimum personal investment of £30,000. Due to the higher startup costs, this option is not recommended for first-time franchisees.
Finally, another option worth considering is Zip Yard.
The High Street Shops sector currently offers 19 franchising opportunities. If this sector doesn't suit your needs, don't worry. Point Franchise offers close to 250 franchise options across a variety of sectors to help you find your perfect business opportunity.
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