Nursery Franchise opportunities to start in Bognor Regis
Investing in Bognor Regis could be your next move
If you want to start a business in Bognor Regis, working for yourself but not on your own, then check out our franchising options in the South East of England. On this page, you will find a range of brands to choose from for becoming a franchisee in the Arun area and across the United Kingdom. Deciding which sector you'd like to work in will lead you to the businesses that best suit your needs and business objectives.
Recent figures show that Arun has a population of 160,000 residents. When broken down by age group, the 60+ age range is the most prevalent in the population. Approximately 69,100 people are economically active in the area, representing 80.0% of the population. The unemployment rate (5.1%) is high compared to the UK average (4%). With an average gross annual income of £26,777, salaries in Arun are slightly lower than the average income of £30,629 across the UK.
Have you considered Child Care services?
Are you interested in Child Care services? If so, there are nine available brands to choose from in the UK. In fact, we have a wide selection of options in the Personal & Home Care Services sector including the franchises in Child Care services. You can choose from 17 Education franchises, three Funeral franchises, three Photography franchises, two Wedding franchises and 12 Tutoring franchises today. If you would like to operate a business in the Health Care sector, it could be useful to know that companies in the sector currently employ 7,000 people in the Arun area.
Three franchise business examples worth looking at
There are many interesting franchising possibilities in Child Care services. Take Moonstone Day Care for example. This brand is expanding, counting five locations across the UK. Opening a Moonstone Day Care business requires a substantial initial investment of £100,000. If you plan on getting a loan to cover the startup costs, Moonstone Day Care asks for a personal investment of at least £40,000. For most franchises, this amount represents 30 to 50% of the total investment. Given these higher startup costs, this is an opportunity best suited for most established franchisees with greater access to financial resources. You may qualify for financial assistance.
Gymboree is another interesting franchise option if you plan to invest in Child Care services. Launched in 2000, the brand has acquired valuable experience and expertise over the past 20 years. The brand is developing, with 30 outlets already in operation, and a desire to expand further. Starting a Gymboree franchise will require you to invest a minimum of £93,000. At least £60,000 of this should come from your own personal investment. Due to the higher startup costs, this option is not recommended for first-time franchisees. If you decide to invest in this franchise, financial aid is available, providing you meet the eligibility criteria.
Finally, if Child Care services appeal to you, Computer Xplorers is another option you could have a look at. To open your own Computer Xplorers franchise, you will need to invest £14,950.
If you are interested in Child Care services and want to discover more franchising opportunities, check out the nine brands available in this sector. On Point Franchise, there is plenty of choice in other sectors too. We have close to 250 franchising opportunities in total to choose from.
Data on this page was collected from NOMIS and the ONS. This content was machine-generated in partnership with LabSense.