Cleaning Franchise opportunities to start in Portsmouth
Starting a new business in Portsmouth
The franchising opportunities in Portsmouth, located in the South East of England, are numerous. As a franchisee, you could have the independence of working alone with the support of a team behind you. Stay on this page to discover which brands you could work with in Portsmouth. With your interests and business goals in mind, have a look at our selection of new business investment options.
The Portsmouth area has 215,000 residents. When broken down by age group, the majority of the population sits within the 20-39 category. The economically active population in Portsmouth amounts to 106,700 people, with an unemployment rate of 4.1%. This rate is in line with the national average. In the United Kingdom, the average gross salary is just over £30,500; in the Portsmouth area, it is £25,913.
Why open a business in Cleaning services?
In the United Kingdom, there are 25 franchises recruiting in Cleaning services. Have a browse through our two Dry Cleaning franchises, seven Oven Cleaning franchises, 10 Commercial Cleaning franchises, 11 Domestic Cleaning franchises and six Window Cleaning franchises to find out if any suit your career goals and aspirations.
Read about these three brands to see what franchise options exist
If you would like to invest in a Cleaning business, you could consider The Kleaning Company. By joining its network of two franchisees, you could play a part in this brand's success. Starting a Kleaning Company business requires a reasonable initial investment of £35,000. At least £10,000 should come from your own personal investment. Given these low startup costs, this option could be suitable for first-time franchisees. Financial support is available for eligible franchisees.
Another option to consider is Dyno. To open your own Dyno franchise, you will need to invest £45,000, of which at least £23,000 should be your own personal investment. You could apply for a loan to help cover the remaining startup costs. Whether you're an established franchisee or a first-time investor, the low startup costs mean that this could be a good option for you. By investing in this franchise, you may be eligible for financial assistance.
Finally, Zero Dry Time is another successful brand that has been operating in Cleaning services since 2006. Zero Dry Time has acquired valuable experience in the field in its 14 years since first opening. By joining its current 60 franchisees, you would become a part of a growing brand network. By investing in this established brand, you could qualify for financial aid. See eligibility details on our website.
If you would like to learn more about franchise opportunities in Cleaning services, have a look through our 25 available options. You will find a total of 236 franchise options on Point Franchise. So if you are still looking for the perfect investment opportunity, there are still plenty of options for you to explore.
This page contains data collected from NOMIS and the ONS. This content was automatically generated by LabSense.