Food and Beverage Franchise opportunities to start in Aldershot
Is Aldershot a good place to become a franchisee?
Would you like to open a business in Aldershot, located in South East England? Would you like to work for yourself but not on your own? If so, take a look at our franchising options. On this page, you'll find several brands offering the training and support you need to run your own business in the Rushmoor area. Deciding which sector you'd like to work in will lead you to the businesses that best suit your needs and business objectives.
The Rushmoor area has a population of 95,000 residents. The 20-39 age group is the most represented within the population. The average annual income across the United Kingdom is close to £31,000. With a gross salary averaging £33,445, residents of Rushmoor have a higher salary than the national average.
Running a franchise in the Food and Beverage sector
If the idea of running a business in the Food and Beverage sector appeals to you, check out the 23 brands currently recruiting franchisees in the sector. The Food and Beverage sector is just one sector among many in the Food industry. Its six Milkshake franchises, six Bakery franchises, three Catering franchises, 15 Dessert franchises and seven Vegan franchises are also worth considering. Let our selection of brands be your guide to starting your next exciting business venture. Many companies in Rushmoor already operate in the Hospitality and Food Services industry, which employs 3,000 people. You would be joining a well-established business community.
Three brands worth your attention
If you like the idea of starting a business in the Food and Beverage sector, The Incredible Ice Cream Company could be an option for you. By joining its 50 franchises already in operation, you could contribute to this company's expansion. Opening an Incredible Ice Cream Company business requires an initial investment of £12,500. These low startup costs make this a good franchising option for first-time franchisees. Financial aid can be given in some circumstances.
Have a look at Heavenly Desserts. There are 21 locations open so far, and the network is expanding. Starting a Heavenly Desserts franchise will require you to invest a minimum of £190,000. At least £110,000 of this should come from your own personal investment. The higher startup costs make this an opportunity best suited for most established franchisees with greater access to financial resources. Training and assistance provided by Heavenly Desserts will help you take your business in the right direction. And, if eligible, you might be able to benefit from financial assistance.
Lastly, take a look at Wiltshire Farm Foods, another interesting Food and Beverage franchise. By joining its current 80 franchisees, you would become a part of a growing brand network. If you choose to invest in this franchise, you will be offered comprehensive training and support, giving your business the best possible chance to thrive. Financial aid is also available, providing you meet the eligibility criteria. Visit our website for details.
Many businesses are already operating in the Food and Beverage sector. We currently have 23 franchise opportunities available in the sector. Whether you've already decided to invest or are still weighing your options, it's worth exploring different sectors. At Point Franchise, we have a total of 238 franchising opportunities to help you find the perfect fit.
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