Van Based Franchise opportunities to start in Arnold
Arnold: A great location to start a business
You could start your own business by becoming a franchisee in Arnold. There are a number of opportunities to choose from in East Riding of Yorkshire, located in Yorkshire and the Humber. Have a look at our selection of brands and start running your own business with a team behind you. If you already know which line of work you'd like to pursue, look into our franchise options in that sector. If not, have a browse and see what other options catch your eye. We have businesses to suit all kinds of interests and career goals.
East Riding of Yorkshire has an estimated population of 340,000 residents. The majority of the population sits within the 60+ age range. The labour force in East Riding of Yorkshire amounts to 157,900 people, with an unemployment rate of 3.6%. This rate is lower than the national average. The average gross salary in the UK is just over £30,500. Residents of East Riding of Yorkshire earn £29,761 a year on average.
Why Van Based businesses appeal to franchisees
There are 41 brands currently looking for franchisees in the Van Based sector. If this sector appeals to you, check them out. Have a browse through our two Coffee Van franchises amongst many others to find out if any suit your career goals and aspirations.
Have a look at three franchise business examples
The Van Based sector offers a variety of brands to choose from, including Really Awesome Coffee. The brand is growing, with 54 outlets currently in operation, and a desire to expand further. Starting a Really Awesome Coffee business requires an affordable initial investment of £69,000. At least £9,300 should come from your own personal investment. These low startup costs make this a good franchising option for first-time franchisees. Training and assistance provided by Really Awesome Coffee will help you steer your business in the right direction. And, if eligible, you might be able to benefit from financial assistance.
Coffee Blue is another competitive business operating in the Van Based sector. To start your business, you will need an initial investment of £43,305. If you intend to get a loan to cover the costs of opening a franchise, a personal investment of 30 to 50% of the total amount will generally be required. For Coffee Blue, the minimum personal investment is £8,000. These relatively low startup costs make it a good option to pursue for first-time franchisees. This investment entitles you to training, assistance and support from Coffee Blue. You could also receive financial assistance, if eligible.
Finally, FiltaFry is another interesting brand operating in the Van Based sector. To open your own FiltaFry franchise, you will need to invest £14,950, of which at least £5,000 should be your own personal investment. You could apply for a loan to help cover the remaining startup costs. Whether you're an established franchisee or a first-time investor, the low startup costs mean that this could be a good option for you. If you can't cover the startup costs on your own, you could see if you qualify for financial aid. See our website for details. This brand also provides its franchisees with full training and support.
If you are thinking about opening a franchise business in the Van Based sector, you might be interested to explore our 41 available brands. Plus, with close to 250 alternative franchising options available across various sectors, Point Franchise offers plenty of choice to find the right brand for you.
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