Senior Care Franchise opportunities to start in Great Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth could be home to your new business
Discover the possibilities waiting for you in Great Yarmouth, situated in the East of England. On this page you'll find a selection of brands recruiting franchisees in the Great Yarmouth area. Franchising gives you the opportunity to operate your own business, complete with training and marketing support. Explore our extensive possibilities in order to find the right brand for you, and you'll be one step closer to starting your own business.
Great Yarmouth has a population of approximately 99,000 people. When broken down by age group, the 60+ age range is the most prevalent in the population. Great Yarmouth has an unemployment rate of 3.8% within its labour force of 44,700 people. This rate is comparable to the UK average. Across the UK, the average gross income is close to £31,000. In the Great Yarmouth area, it is £23,743.
What the Senior Care sector could offer you
Are you interested in the Senior Care sector? You're likely to come across a franchise worth considering among 12 brands in the United Kingdom. The Senior Care sector is just one sector among many in the Personal & Home Care Services sector. Its 18 Child Care franchises, nine Nursery franchises, five Gardening & Lawn Care franchises, two Security franchises and two Wedding franchises are also worth considering. Let our selection of brands be your guide to starting your next exciting business opportunity. If you're interested in the Health Care sector, you may want to consider how many people already work in the industry. In Great Yarmouth, Health Care companies currently employ 7,000 people.
Read about these three brands to see what franchise opportunities exist
The Senior Care sector has many franchise options available, such as Seniors Helping Seniors. By joining its network of 300 franchisees, you would become a part of a well-established business community. Good to know: you won't need any premises as you can work from home. If you can't cover the startup costs on your own, you may be eligible for financial assistance.
Promedica24 is another interesting franchise option if you plan to invest in the Senior Care sector. This brand is developing, counting 100 locations in the United Kingdom. In order to open a Promedica24 business, an affordable initial investment of £40,000 is required. If you plan on getting a loan to cover the startup costs, you will usually need to cover 30 to 50% of the total investment yourself. Promedica24 requires a personal investment of at least £1,000. These relatively low startup costs make it a good option to pursue for first-time franchisees. Financial support is available for eligible franchisees. See our website for details.
Lastly, another brand worth considering is Home Instead. First launched in 2005, the brand has acquired valuable experience and expertise over the past 15 years. A network of 1,200 franchisees promotes the brand's visibility. This business opportunity requires a significant initial investment of £90,000. You could get a loan to help cover startup costs, in which case your personal investment will generally need to cover 30 to 50% of the total investment. Home Instead asks for a minimum personal investment of £30,000. Due to the higher startup costs, this option is not advisable for first-time franchisees.
If working in the Senior Care sector appeals to you, have a look at our 12 available franchising options in the sector. Point Franchise currently has a total of almost 250 brands recruiting franchisees across a range of sectors. Have a look to see which other sectors you might want to invest in.
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