Senior Care Franchise opportunities to start in Rochdale
Opening a franchise business in Rochdale
Many brands are currently looking for franchisees in Rochdale, located in North West England. By becoming a franchisee, you could run your own business while receiving comprehensive training and marketing assistance. Keep reading to explore the options in the Rochdale area. Exploring our selection of brands and sectors will allow you to pinpoint the type of business that is right for you.
Rochdale has an estimated population of 220,000 people. The 20-39 age group has the highest concentration in the population. The 6.3% unemployment rate among 99,600 economically active people in the community is slightly higher than the national average. Across the UK, the average gross salary is just over £30,500. In the Rochdale area, it is £25,682.
The Senior Care sector could be the right choice for you
Across the United Kingdom, there are 12 franchises in the Senior Care sector. The Senior Care sector is a part of the Personal & Home Care Services sector. Other brands recruiting in this industry include two Wedding franchises, 14 Kids & Childrens franchises, four Medical franchises, 19 Care franchises and two AC franchises. Among these franchising opportunities, there will likely be one that fits your career goals and aspirations. Moreover, the number of people currently employed in a specific industry gives an indication of how dynamic it is. In the Rochdale area, 8,000 people are employed by Health Care businesses.
Three franchise businesses worth reading about
If you plan to invest in a Senior Care business, you could consider Promedica24. The brand is growing, with 100 outlets already in operation, and a desire to expand further. A reasonable initial investment of £40,000 will enable you to start your own Promedica24 business. In most cases, your personal investment should represent 30 to 50% of the total amount. Promedica24 requires you to personally invest at least £1,000. You could potentially get a loan to cover the remaining costs. Given these low startup costs, this option could be suitable for first-time franchisees. When investing in this franchise, you could be eligible for financial aid.
Seniors Helping Seniors could be another good option for you to invest in. The brand has a strong network and good exposure, operating in 300 franchise locations. Good to know: you won't need any premises as you can work from home. If you choose to invest in this franchise, financial aid is available, providing you meet the eligibility criteria.
The Senior Care sector has many brands worth considering. As a final example, take a look at SylvianCare. By joining its current three franchisees, you would be joining a growing brand network. To open your own SylvianCare franchise, you will need to invest £62,500, of which at least £30,000 should be your own personal investment. You could apply for a loan to help cover the remaining startup costs. Given these higher startup costs, this opportunity is less suitable for first-time franchisees. Financial aid can be provided in some circumstances. See our website for more information.
The Senior Care sector offers many interesting investment opportunities, including our 12 franchise options. If this sector doesn't suit your needs, don't worry. Point Franchise offers almost 250 franchise options across a variety of sectors to help you find your perfect business opportunity.
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